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Emerald's Interview, June 10, 2001

By The Furcadian Library

Ok first of all Congrats on your engagement :)

Emerald - Thanks TFL :)

Have you and Felorin been dating for awhile, or was this just a spur of the moment thing?

Emerald - *smiles* Our users have been dating awhile yes, Though the proposal was a big surpise to me ;p

Rumors have it that you and Felorin were both behind the Vlady scheme on April fools. Is this true?

Emerald - *laughs* I thought this was an interview about my engagement? :) The only thing I will say about April fools Day is that Vlady doesn't have server access ;)

So, what are some reactions that you've gotten from family members once you told them that you were engaged to Felorin? Did they make any funny remarks?

Emerald - *thinks for awhile* Felorin's user met my rl family on our recent trip to the West coast. My family likes him a lot.. though everyone seems to be surprised that we became engaged.

What are a few things that Felorin does to make you laugh?

Emerald - *grins* He plays Dance Dance Revolution. Often and his tongue sticks out when he's concentrating :)

If you have to change one thing about Felorin, what would it be, and why?

Emerald - The length of his pants :) That's what I would change.. It's the only thing I can think of :)

When Felorin proposed to you with the system announcement, there was a long delay before your response was heard. Do you know what that delay was for? Was he asking you in person?

Emerald - Actually I was in shock :p And I had to log Elizabeth kitty on to answer and my paws were shaking too badly to type :p Actually he's asked me irl a few days before.. but I never thought he'd tell everyone on Furcadia ;p

Do you think you and Felorin will be together and happy for many years to come? :)

Emerald - He says we will :)

Who is cooler: Vlady, or Nicklas?

Emerald - *laughs* I don't know Nicklas very well ;p

So what's your next big surprise for us Emerald? ;)

Emerald - Now if I told the next surpise, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? :)

Aww so no surprise adoptions? :P

Emerald - Actually we adopted Ridere for the Summer. He's in Texas doin an internship at Dragon's Eye Productions :)

Well thanks for your time Emerald, I'll look forward to interviewing you in the future :)

Emerald - NP :)

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