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The Dating Scene, June 13, 2001

Rydia Silverbrooke

So you met somefurre, you started inviting them to your place, you went to theirs, maybe invited your sweetie to visit your guild, showed off your significant other to all your friends. Now the relationship is stuck in a rut. You're both bored with each other. You need a change of pace.
What's a furre to do? Well, Rydia's here to help! First, you need to set up a time to meet up (thank the Primes for Furcadia Standard time :P) Second, and this is just optional, greet your date with a gift. A femme can't resist a bouquet of red poppies! And ladies, guys like flowers too! Third, where will you go? Here are a few suggestions:
Mycroft's tavern. It's always open, and if you're single there will most likely be somefurre to flirt with!

If drinking isn't your thing, you can head to the dance floor. Night Clubs range from naughty to nice. I've rated some of the highlights of the places I've checked out.

Allegria island nightclubs

Club Kickin'
This place offers live music to play on Winamp or RealPlayer. The first thing you notice is the starry night outside the building, giving it a nightlife effect. There's different color lasers and a neat light up dance floor. Looks like they have special events too, as I was leaving the club was having a dance contest. On June 15th, there's a welcome club kickin' dance at 7PM FST, and Kalyanni, from The Beat, will be DJing live. Fairly well-crowded place with good bartending service. Friendly chatter, and a neat little spot for when you need to relax your muscles from all that dancing and sit in the hot tub. The flickering torchlights make it all the more romantic for you and your mate!

Rating: pookiepookiepookiepookie

Furrabian nightclubs - adult themed

Club Athiest
I was a little um, taken back by the name, but there's good music and good atmosphere. Well-crowded, includes all the things an adult club should be, with ultra swanky decor!

Rating: pookiepookiepookiepookie

Club Kashmir
This place has been around for quite awhile. The floors subtly light up, it's a nice effect and doesn't even seem to effect lag. Good service at the bar, drinks are free and the food is good. Nice crowd, features a race track, dragon adoption den and themed rooms which lock easily.

Rating: pookiepookiepookiepookie

Club Nightshift
One word: messy! The moment you arrive you trip over one of many tigers in the entrance. It seems like a popular hangout though, and has a strange room called the "cell party" complete with padded walls O.o

Rating: pookiepookiepookie

Club Nocturnal Coyote
Added points for the Final fantasy 3 midi ^.^ there's adult themed games, and a well-staffed bar. I'm surprised it wasn't a very crowded place, it seems like a fun hangout.

Rating: pookiepookiepookie

Next on the dating list, dinner! Sanctuary and Water City both have great food, for those persona players out there.

How about going chocobo-back riding together in the sun- set? There's nothing more romantic. The chocobo farm has a popular tavern, plus they have furretographers to take pictures of you and your sweetie.

With summer here, sometimes a vacation is what you may need. Reverie summit and resorts might be just the thing to get away from it all.

So what else is going on this month? You can check the Furcadia events bulletin and find new exciting things to do, so your dates are always one-of-a kind. One doesn't have to always decide where to go, decide together, or take turns. What matters most is that the time you spend together is interesting, invent- ive, and most important, involves the two of you having fun with each other!

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