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I Voted, August 20, 2001

By Mec

As far as this reporter knew it was a normal night in furcadia on August 14. But little did I know that the night was about to break out into a frenzy of excitement. Furcadia had been entered on a list at for game of the month. At the time its current rating was 13th place. That was until a joke became a mission for furre Sunny Chiba founder of the [ I voted ] campagin. Sunny went so far as to open a dream call "The Polls". Felorin was there along with the local radio station The Beat, and many enthusiastic furres. I asked Sunny a few questions.

[ You whisper "What gave you the idea to start the "I Voted" campagin?" to Sunny Chiba. ]

[ Sunny Chiba whispers, "I was kidding around in Sanctuary saying,"Yah we should give [I voted] stickers to the voters" and it stuck^.^" to you. ]

[ You whisper "Awsome. So then I assume that one thing lead to another and this dram came about?" to Sunny Chiba. ]

[ Sunny Chiba whispers, "Yup. I told Felorin he *liked* the idea and things popped together:P" to you. ]

[ You whisper "Did you ever expect so many people to show up at the dream?" to Sunny Chiba. ]

[ Sunny Chiba whispers, "Yah I sorta did. I was around for the WorldCon Party and it was a mess! This is better though because I planned it^.^" to you. ]

Sunny Chiba was quite the busy furre that night and remarked many times that she felt very special.

[ Sunny Chiba whispers, "Sunny Chiba grin,"I feel special^.^" to you. ]

Poll Party

I also took the chance to ask Felorin some question about the [ I voted ] campagin and dream.

[ You whisper "What do you think about the I voted campagin?" to Felorin. ]

[ Felorin whispers, "I like it, I put it in the opening text-box announcement message. :-)" to you. ]

[ You whisper "Did you expect so much support from furcadians?" to Felorin. ]

[ Felorin whispers, "Yeah, they're a very helpful bunch. :-)" to you. ]

[ You whisper "What about last month? Was furcadia not entered in the game of the month contest? " to Felorin. ]

[ Felorin whispers, "Nobody knew about that voting page last month. :-)" to you. ]

Felorin gave us the math on why it would be so easy for fucadia to win the vote

Felorin: We have like 25,000 to 30,000 regular players. We can get 3,000 votes easy I bet. :-)

Overall the night was a great success just before I left furcadia was up at number four. I think that this night demonstrates that when furcadia as a whole comes together we are an unstopple force. So if you haven't voted for furcadia as game of the month then I urge you to go directly from this page to and show that you support Furcadia.

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