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Planning a Wedding, August 20, 2001

By Kashiterra

Planning that wedding- but not sure where to start?

You have finally found the furre of your dreams. You have dated for some time and now he has proposed. Now you just want to have the wedding of your dreams. You want everything to be just right, but your not sure how to achieve this goal. Where to find the right church? Who is going to cater it? Where can you find a priest?

Furcadia has so many wonderful churches it may be hard for you to find the perfect one. One suggestion is, take a moment to simply dream hop to locate the perfect spot. Always bring your mate along with so you may decide together. Some hot spots for couples may be Reverie Church's or Reverie Heaven. Reverie Heaven has a peaceful beautiful glow that might suit your needs. The music is delicate and light. It would be an easy to find spot for all the people attending your wedding. Reverie Church's a wonderful cathedral style place for your wedding. With gorgeous stained glass windows. Perfect for your traditional wedding. They have an outside garden area that would be perfect for any reception. Celtic Crystal City also has a wonderful wedding chapel that would be worth checking out.

Maybe you aren't suited for anything you have looked at but don't seem to have the time to design your own. Many furres have started into the wedding planner business. Our Wedding! is a dream worth checking out. They make it to your specific needs. You can visit a wedding taking place, to see if you would be interested. They will help you find a priest and take care of all the little details for you.

A priest is an important part of your wedding. Take the time to find someone you like. Two very wonderful priests to get in touch with are Irvine Crystal and Ridere. It is a starting point and you can go from there.

Catering for a reception is easily taken care of. Visit any of the fine Furcadia restaurants out there, and simply ask them about receptions. Many will be willing to design you your own reception area and cater for you. So have a banquet hall built right in.

Some tips of the trade to get your wedding headed in the right direction:
1. Spend time looking for the right place, dream hop, and ask around. Chances are one of your friends might know a place you are looking for.
2. If you find a priest you like, ask if he is doing any ceremonies previous to your wedding. You can see his style and if you like his ceremony.
3. ASK ASK ASK. If you stop into any chapel, find out when it is available, how they can help you plan your wedding, and any other details they might have. Some are willing to touch up decorations of your choice, and to suit your needs. Find out someone who has been married there, and get in touch with them. See how they liked there wedding.

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