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Rydia interviews Lumos, July 29, 2001

The inside scoop on Beekins

Rydia: Okay, thanks for doing this :-)
Lumos: No problem :-)
Rydia: For those new to Furcadia, what are Beekins exactly?
Lumos: For a newfurre I feel Beekins are like new friends for them, and if you may, someone for them to turn to when they need help of any kind and just to talk.
Lumos: I feel that newfurres also seem to think that there are almost two different types of Beekins: Beekins that are there for help and to talk to and Beekins that are there strictly for help.
Rydia: Like, ooc and ic help?
Lumos: Not exactly.
Lumos: Like Help with a smile and just help
Rydia: what kind of beekins are there?
Lumos: There are Welcomer Beekin, Help Desk Beekins and Help Channel Beekins.
Rydia: Can you explain the help channel?
Lumos nods.
Lumos: The Help Channel is for the more experienced furres, you have to know quite a lot about Furcadia to be accepted into this group of Beekins. Furres can ask any questions any time of the day for these Channel Helpers to answer by just typing "help "
Rydia: Who is Beekin material?
Lumos: Anyone can be Beekin material, so long as they try their hardest and give their best effort... No one can ask any more than that :-)
Rydia: Has being a Beekin changed you at all?
Lumos: I don't feel that being a Beekin has changed my personality at all, but I have learned things from becoming a Beekin.
Rydia: Being a better furre?
Lumos: Not so much "better", but more helpful and understanding, yes.
Rydia: What are the downsides of being a beekin?
Lumos: Well... I don't consider there to be a downside to being a Beekin... but if you were to try and point out some downsides then you might come out with some of these: Furres may start to become jelous of you therefore having a grudge on you, If you are a commited Beekin then you have less time to hang around with your furre pals [But if this happens you should just go off duty :-)]
Rydia: what about getting along with your co-workers?
Rydia: any problems with that?
Lumos: I get along with a lot of my co-Beekins yes, and I have made new friends from it also... But there will always be a few that are out to spoil things, having a one-track mind of twinkish behaviour, and since they have been given a chance at Beekin, some have spoiled it and don't give much help at all. I try to ignore those furres and carry on with my Welcoming :-)
Rydia: Are there any advantages to being a beekin that you haven't mentioned already? Lumos: Hmm...
Lumos: The main advantage of being a Beekin is souly that we help furres and pass our knowladge on to them, any good Beekin will agree that, that is the biggest advantage of being a Beekin and I feel that overpowers all the disadvantages :-)
Rydia: Does all that work take the fun out of Furcadia?
Lumos: No, not at all.
Rydia: What inspired you to want to help furres?
Lumos: That's quite a tricky question, I'd say that I wanted to try and do my best, I don't see what "inspired" me, it was just always there, the joy of helping furres.
Rydia nods :-)
Rydia: Who do you look up to?
Lumos: Mainly, I look up to the Beekin Council and their actions.
Lumos: I try to learn from all of them :-)
Lumos: But I also admire any furre that can give their free time to help furres with less experience :-)
Rydia: What do you like to do when "off duty?"
Lumos: When off duty, I either stay at Lost Lakes, or in here Sanctuary, I just like to socialize and chat when off duty :-)
Rydia: Well, that's about all I have to ask you
Rydia: :-)
Lumos: Ah, okay then :-)

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