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Jealousy, July 29, 2001

By AmberGal

Jealousy. We all feel it at one time or another. Whether it be at home, school, work, and even on Furcadia, it happens.

Ever since this whole Beekin application thing started, I've been seeing a lot more of it. Furres complaining because they didn't get accepted, cursing at the ones that did. Owsla getting disrespected and made fun of more often now, but for what reason? Why do we feel jealousy? Well, I'm sure there are many logical explanations for it, but I definitely don't need to explain it, but I can explain some of the things furres are getting jealous over.

On Furcadia, there's a kind of... social "pyramid." It's always been there, but many are now starting to notice it.

We have the normal furres with no special "titles" (By the way, I have nothing against anyone listed. Most of them are my friends! ), and then we have the 3 types of Beekins, the Owsla, and Felorin and Talzhemir (that needs no explaining). Furres see how popular they are and how much respect they receive and get jealous of it. I know, because I've definitely felt it before, and so have many of you, you just don't want to admit it. :) I don't feel it anymore, because it gets nothing done and doesn't help the situation. Jealousy is one of the top reasons of hatred & anger, and we definitely don't need that.

Before you get jealous of someone, online or not, ask yourself why. Besides, if being popular was easy, everyone would be exactly that. It doesn't matter if you're an Owsla, Beekin, Felorin, etc, or not. You're still probably very cool. :)

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