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Phoenix Update, April 14, 2001

By Binc -- Administrator

The update struck late, about 10:00 PM EST, and chaos quickly took reign. The automatic update didn't work for everybody. Many got messages saying there were illegal operations, or the update just hung there and didn't respond. Once furres finally got the update, and logged on the screen wouldn't load. Eventually things fell into place. There are still lots of bug and problems. For one thing, clones are dominating Allegria Island, and other places as well. Places such as Sanctuary were totally blocked off by these clones. Not everyfurre has the correct species tag. Often, winged furres have the tag of a dragon, even though they're not dragons. Furres get disconnected all the time, and the automatic reconnection doesn't always work.

On the bright side, we have our new paybody, the phoenix. The phoenix is a nice piece of art, and it's flame doesn't look half bad either. There is considerably less lag, and according to the creators, much more then eight hundred some odd furres are able to log on at once. We have new emoticon faces. They're rather cute, but it's a pain in the neck to have to reach over with the mouse every time you want to use one. The old shift+underscore still works, but it produces a rather ugly face when using the larger font. The new ds codes should be in effect soon, if they aren't already. Lots of furres don't like this new update, but some furres do. It seems like most of the features are good ones. Hopefully all the bugs will be worked out, and we'll be able to get back to actually enjoying Furcadia.

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