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Interview with Krem, April 13, 2001

By Bravecat -- Administrator

Furcadia Live! is a Furcadian radio station founded by Krem. I had the chance to ask him a few questions:

Bravecat: First off, what is Furcadia Live?

Krem: Ah! Furcadia Live... Furcadia Live is an Online Radio station aimed towards giving furres a place to sit and relax in a dream and not only listen to music. Also, it is an ability to get your favorite music heard by you and other fucadians, a way to lsiten to your music online and interact with other while doing so.

Bravecat: How did Furcadia Live! start up?

Krem: It just occured to me one day! All of a sudden.. I was thinking about how the dances and events could be more alive instead of using an emit to play music.. Why not be able to hear it! So Therefor We started Furcadia Live with good intent.

Bravecat: Has there ever been anything like this before in Furcadia?

Krem: I believe so. I believe that there has been many attempts at a Furcadia Radio Station but they either have not came forward into the general public and or they have failed over time due to lack of good leadership.

Bravecat: How do furres connect to your station?

Krem: Through Winamp or Realplayer They must have those to play the music. They can hit f8 in furcadia when the address is said and or type it in manually.

Bravecat: What is the highest number of listeners at one time so far?

Krem: 63 or 82 one of them.. Due to the Talz Interview which we roraly screwed up.

Bravecat: Is Furcadia Live! running all the time?

Krem: Not all the time but due to a concurrent staff meeting we pulled before we brought the server up in the future it most likely will be a 24/7 thing but not dj's all the time.

Bravecat: How do you select your dj's?

Krem: In the beginning it was Just me. But due to my crappy connection we went on to Kuru and found later Kuru couldn't dj nor Could I all the time when they demanded us. Therefor we held a tryout in a .wav format and played them on air and chose the dj's that way.. the other ones we kind of chose by hand..

Bravecat: What type of music can listeners expect?

Krem: Anything that is pg-13 and under.

Bravecat: Recently the rating was changed to PG13, why did you decide to do this?

Krem: Due to threats from Emerald Flame. The name came from them and the game is pg-13 therefor we had to move it due to keeping the name.

Bravecat: As you said earlier, you have interviewed Talzhemir on air. Do you ever plan on interviewing someone in the future? Who might it be?

Krem: Yes In the future we have Felorin and Emerald Flame lined up.

Bravecat: Do you plan on opening up more jobs at Furcadia Live?

Krem: Yes. We have many more jobs lined up for Furcadia live after the update comes out.

Bravecat: Where is Furcadia Live! headed in the future?

Krem: Bigger and Better Hopefully=P Dunno How to actually put this... More... Efficient!

Bravecat: Do you think that Furcadian radio could become a fad?

Krem: Actually Yes I do.. there have been many trying to copy us so far.

Bravecat: Thanks for your time.

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