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Forever Truth
Once fidaelty is given , One is HONOR bound. With chain, not made by man, But links, Oh far more sound.
Yet in a land as harsh as this, with foe and fang and claw. We oft loose what we hold dear, Sword drawn, our anger raw.
Then fidaelty may faulter, consistancy may pale. Faith may dim, and even loyalty may fail.
But truth,,truth never changes, no matter what you do. Stay with truth forever, only it will see you through.
dawn rose |
A Rose
I am a simple 'lil rose as you can plainly see. Sometimes I am given, or am recieved by thee.
I gladly give my life for those who are in pain. hoping for no more then, that it's not in vain.
My friends here in the garden, they often ask me why, "Is there truly a reason that you so freely die?
Tis then I look at them and very simply say. "My only hope is, to brighten someones day. SilverBane
A Roses Honor
Although the thorns are evil, and numerour they grow. When folks walk by the only see the rose and its soft glow.
Be then akin to the sweet Rose, and not alike the thorn. Then friends will ever seek your door, A friendship path is worn, dawn rose |
Honor is so like a rose, Beside it all else pales. It doesent care just where it grows, but there it never fails..
to outshine all around it to attract the very best. It never seems to flaunt it, yet stands out above the rest.
dawn rose |
Roses are Red, violets are blue, OtRs honor was truly said, And ,our members got the clue, Help each other in time of Dread and remain steadfast and true. For many causes I have bled,, as have all OtR, old and new.
Goldar Thoran black rose knight
Some of the greatest forms of Love, Are those that stem from friendship.
Haart, Paladin of Light |