About the Ranks | White - Crimison | Guardian - Crystal |
Merchant Ranks
White Rose |
Requirements: Must have been a sponcered Initiate of
the Rose for (2) two weeks. Attended meeting, or in event
of that being impossible, must show interest by posting
regularly on the message board. Be an active participant in
the guild. Also must be found worthy of advancement. |
Yellow Rose |
Requirements: Must have been a member of
the Rose for (2) two weeks. Attended a meeting, or in event
of that being impossible, must show interest by posting
regularly on the message board. Be an active participant in
the guild. Also you must trial and be found worthy of advancement.
Your duties include advancing your skills to qualify
for the Red Rose position.
Red Rose |
Requirements: Must have at least 80% skill cap in one skill.
Must have held the position of Yellow Rose for at least (2)
weeks. Recieved the "Sparring Award" for having
participated in 6 sparring sessions. Recieved no disciplinary
action for the last month.
Your duties include advancing your skills to qualify
for the Black Rose position. Assisting White and Yellow
Roses in sparring sessions. Preparing yourself mentally and
physically for the "Trial of Thorns". Acquire the Hunt
Leader Award.
Black Rose |
Requirements: Must have at least (1) GM class related
skill. (Thus having the 'Signet of Valor Award.') Also you must
have the "Master of the Hunt" . Having Held the Red Rose
position for no less than (1) month. Recieved no disciplinary
action for (1) month, .and take your "Trial of Thorns". and
be found worthy by the Lady of the Rose.
Your dutues will include providing positive
motivation and assist in skill advancement for others in the
guild., You will be expected to come up with, and sponcer
a guild event of your choice. Acquire the skills and awards
necessary for advancement.
Crimson Rose |
Requirements: Must have at least (2) class related GM
skills. Held the "Black Rose" position for at least one month.
No disciplinary action for at least 2 months. Acquired the'
Fleur of Consistancy ' award, and Take the "Trial of
Thorns" and be found worthy of advancement by the Lady
of the Rose.
Your dutues will include providing positive
motivation and assist in skill advancement for others in the
guild., You will be expected to come up with, and sponcer
a guild event of your choice. Acquire the skills and awards
necessary for advancement.
About the Ranks | White - Crimison | Guardian - Crystal |
Merchant Ranks