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Acorna Burwenna Freadan Ithamar Seward
Adelleyd Byrhtferth Freawaru Jaenbert Sexhilde
Adellfu Byrnflaed Freawine Jambert Sexhuie
Adney Byrnhorn Fremund Jaruman Sibert
Aebba Byrnstan Freodhoric Jurmin Sibwine
Aedelberga Byrnwold Freomund Juthwara Sidelufu
Aedeldryd Caedmon Frethesant Kenelm Sidwell
Aedelhild Caelin Freware Kennard Sigbert
Aedelreda Calemund Fridegyd Kenward Sigebald
Aedilburh Cantwine Frieda Lambert Sigebert
Aefentid Cathwulf Frigyth Lambin Sigeferth
Aegelric Cedd Frigyth Lefsued Sigegar
Aegenwulf Cenbeorht Fritha Lefsuet Sigegifu
Aegthryth Cenberet Frithegod Leofard Sigehelm
Aelffrith Cenfirth Frithestan Leofgifu Sigelac
Aelfgar Cengifu Fritheswith Leofhere Sigered
Aelfgifu Ceolburh Frithowulf Leofing Sigeric
Aelfgyth Ceolfrith Frithugyth Leofmund Sigeweard
Aelfhelm Ceolwynn Frithuswith Leofric Sigewine
Aelflead Cerdic Frodo Leofrun Sigewulf
Aelfred Ceredig Fromund Leoftaet Sighard
Aelfric Cerne Fulbert Leofwaru Siward
Aelfrun Clarmbald Fulca Leofwynn Skotte
Aelfstan Clothilde Gadd Leva Snaroc
Aelfthryth Coelfrid Gaenbald Liliwin Snoc
Aelfwine Coenburg Gaerwulf Lilla Somerhild
Aelfwyn Coenburga Ganulf Lindhard Somerild
Aelfwynn Coleman Garmund Lioba Sperling
Aelgifu Colman Garth Litwin Sprow
Aengifu Cuthbald Garwynn Lott Stanfleda
Aeschild Cuthbert Geldfrith Luca Stanflede
Aescwig Cuthburga Geldwine Ludeca Stanfleiu
Aethelberga Cuthburh Geord Luhhede Stangyth
Aethelburh Cuthen Gerbert Lull Stanhild
Aethelgifu Cuthfleda Gerd Lullede Steward
Aethelhild Cuthheard Germund Lulling Stewart
Aethenhun Cuthhelm Gerta Macca Strenge
Aethelswith Cuthhere Gertrude Madard Stronglic
Aethelthryd Cuthred Gethwine Madbald Strongric
Aethelthryth Cuthwin Gewis Madelac Sunngifu
Aethelu Cuthwine Gladwin Madgar Sunnild
Aethelwaru Cuthwulf Glor Madgod Swift
Aethelwulf Cwenburg Goda Madmartigan Swithin
Agenilda Cwenburh Godbert Madoc Swithulf
Agilbert Cwenthryth Gode Madwald Swithun
Ailmar Cyneburh Godehese Madwold Tancred
Ailred Cynedeall Godelina Madwulf Tata
Ailwin Cynehild Goderun Maegen Tatha
Akelda Cyneswith Godfred Maegenfrith Tathere
Albold Cynethryth Godgifu Maerec Tathilde
Alchflead Cynewise Godgyth Maerwynn Tatwine
Alchfrid Cyniburg Godhere Maldred Tatwulf
Aldwulf Cynwise Goding Maledred Teoweald
Aldwyn Daegel Godlefe Mann Teowulf
Alfild Darwin Godmann Mearth Tetta
Alfrun Delwyn Godmund Mearthel Thanchere
Alfwaerd Deneggyth Godra Mede Theabul
Alfwen Denegifu Godred Medwin Theberga
Alhburg Deneheard Godric Merchelm Theda
Alhstan Denewulf Godrun Merewald Thedlef
Alkeld Denic Godwin Merlin Thedware
Alkelda Deormund Godwine Mervin Theobald
Aluburg Deowuc Godwynn Meye Theodoric
Aluhburg Derehild Godwyna Milda Theodric
Alwyn Derman Golda Mildburh Theodulf
Angelthew Digoth Goldberga Milde Theorigitha
Anselm Docc Goldcorn Mildgyth Thorweald
Archibald Domneva Goldcorna Mildoina Thrydwulf
Ardith Dreamwulf Golde Mildred Thryth
Arild Dremic Goldeburga Mildthryth Thuna
Arnulf Dryhthelm Golderon Mindred Thunor
Astrith Dunnere Goldhen Modthryth Thurrieua
Athillda Dunstan Goldrun Moll Thurstan
Aude Eabae Goldwine Monn Tibba
Ayild Eadbert Goldwyn Morcar Tidhelm
Aylward Eadburg Goldyna Morkere Tidhild
Aylwin Eadburh Goodwin Mull Tidhild
Aylyld Eadger Graeme Nethel Tidsige
Badanoth Eadgyfu Grante Norbert Tidweald
Badulf Eadild Grendel Norman Tilhere
Baldehuia Eadric Grimbald Nothelm Tilmund
Baldethiva Eadward Grimbald Oayth Tondhere
Baldguia Eadwin Grimcytel Occa Tonild
Baldhild Eadwina Grimwold Odalric Torfi
Baldith Eadwine Gudrum Odard Torhtsige
Baldred Eadwulf Gunde Odbert Torold
Baldric Eadwyn Gundulf Odo Tortgith
Baldwin Eadwynna Guthe Oelfwine Tortgyth
Baldwine Ealdgifu Guthilda Oeric Torthred
Baldwulf Ealdgyth Guthlac Oethelwald Tostig
Balethiva Ealdgwyn Guthlaf Oidilwald Touild
Balther Ealdgytha Guthra Ongenthew Touillda
Balthildis Ealhhild Guthran Ordric Touilt
Barduwulf Ealhswith Guthred Osbald Tova
Bathild Ealhswuth Gyrd Osburga Trost
Beadohild Eanburg Gyric Osburh Truda
Beaduburg Eanflaed Gyrth Osegod Trude
Beadumund Eanfled Hadd Osgar Trumbehrt
Beaduthryth Eanswida Haedde Osgifu Trump
Beage Eanswith Haeferic Osgood Trumwin
Bealdthryth Eanswitha Hagrid Osgyth Tunbert
Bealdwine Easnwith Hamgils Oshern Turbert
Beard Eanwin Hamgisl Oshilde Turold
Bebba Earconbert Harding Oslac Turstan
Bede Earcongota Hardwin Oslafa Tydic
Bedhelm Earn Harold Osmer Tynne
Bedric Eastorwine Haunild Osmund Uchtred
Bedwig Ebba Heagyth Osric Udele
Begild Ebrard Heahburg Osthryd Ufegeat
Begilda Ecbert Heahthryth Oswada Ulf
Begu Ecgmund Heald Osweald Ulfbehrt
Beldeth Ecgric Healfdane Oswelda Ulfric
Beorhtwynn Ecgthew Heathuburg Oswin Ulfrid
Beorn Ecgwynn Hehilde Oswine Ulger
Beornthryth Eda Helga Oswold Unferth
Beornwynn Edda Hendina Oswulf Unlaf
Beorward Edde Henna Oswyn Urien
Beowulf Edild Heorulf Othrenn Uxfrea
Berchthild Edilda Herbert Othwynn Waendel
Bercta Ediltrudis Herburga Palloc Waerferth
Berenwald Edoma Herebert Pecthelm Waerferth
Berhtric Edric Hereburg Pega Waermund
Beric Edusa Heregeorn Pegenric Waernoth
Berihert Edward Heregils Pegenwilde Walberga
Bernulf Edwena Heregyth Peohtric Walden
Berta Egbert Herelufu Peohtwine Waldere
Bertha Egbin Herered Pilheard Waldhere
Berthelm Egefride Hereric Preed Wallding
Bertrade Egelbert Hereswith Pulloc Wallis
Bertram Egred Hereward Pun Walstan
Bertred Egric Herewulf Pyttel Wanetta
Bertulf Egwine Herewynn Quena Want
Berwulf Einilda Heribert Quene Wardlaw
Berwyn Ekbert Hering Quenreda Wardric
Bette Ekkebard Hermynhild Radbod Warin
Beyhild Elfgar Herrig Radigast Wathsige
Billfrid Elfilda Herward Raedwulf Wayland
Bilswith Elfstan Heward Rafenild Wehard
Birstan Elfswith Hibald Ragener Weland
Blida Elfswitha Hidlelida Ran Wemund
Boisel Eluric Hild Rana Weohtgar
Bosel Elwin Hilda Randal Weonard
Botild Elwyn Hilde Randwulf Werferth
Botilda Emma Hildeberg Rantha Werheard
Botill Enfleda Hildeburh Ranthilde Widmund
Bracca Eng Hildelith Ranulf Widreth
Brand Engelard Hildild Ranwynn Widuc
Brant Engeled Hiltrude Read Widukind
Bregeswith Engeleis Hleogar Redwald Wiermund
Bregowine Engeleisia Horig Regenbald Wigbeald
Breguswith Engelieth Horn Regengar Wigbeorn
Bricheve Engelietha Hounild Regenweald Wigbert
Brichheve Engelise Hounilda Reginald Wigestan
Brichterith Engelram Hraefn Regnhere Wigferth
Brichtled Eorforich Hrethric Rendel Wigfrith
Brichtrethe Eohric Hringhere Ribald Wighard
Bricteva Eomer Hringwynn Richeard Wigheard
Bricthuia Eorcengota Hrod Ricula Wighelm
Bricthled Eorcongota Hrodwyn Rimilda Wighere
Britciua Eormenburh Hrof Ringer Wightgar
Brictiva Eormengard Hrothgar Robert Wiglac
Brictled Eormengyth Hrothwulf Roderic Wiglaf
Brictuia Eormenhild Hrotsvitha Rodney Wigmund
Brictwen Eormenhilde Hubert Roger Wigric
Brifard Eorwen Hugeburc Romund Wigstan
Brigthwyna Eosterwine Humbert Roswitha Wigthegn
Brihctiua Ercongota Hunbald Rowena Wihtgar
Brihgiua Eric Hunburg Ruffin Wihtgils
Brihteue Erkengota Hund Rum Wihtlac
Brihtiua Ermenburga Hundine Rumbald Wihtlaeg
Brihtiue Ermenhilda Hunlaf Rumwald Wihtred
Britha Erminus Hunsige Rumwold Wihtric
Britheue Ernulf Hunstan Sabert Wilbehrt
Britheva Erth Hunwald Saebald Wilbrord
Brithiva Ertha Hybald Saeburg Wilda
Brithreth Erwald Hygd Saegar Wilfram
Brithrethe Erwin Hygelac Saegifu Willa
Brithwen Esegar Hygered Saethryth Willibrord
Broca Estmar Idhelm Saewara Willone
Brocc Estmund Idmaer Saewine Wilmund
Brocwulf Estrid Ielfgar Saewulf Wina
Brunheard Estrith Ielfred Saewynn Winnibald
Bruning Ethel Iestyn Saward Winstan
Brunweard Ethelhild Igil Sawin Winston
Brunwulf Ethelred Ilfred Saxleue Winter
Bryning Ethelric Ilhelm Sceld Wintyr
Brynstan Eudeline Immine Scenwulf Withermund
Buntel Everard Indulf Scrirheah Witney
Burchard Everild Ingeld Scrobb Wittulf
Burchwen Everildis Ingulf Seathryd Wlencing
Burghal Falca Irminric Seaxel Wolcen
Burghelm Fanna Irwynn Seaxwulf Wraecwulf
Burghiva Farman Irwynna Seild Wuldric
Burghwenna Felgild Itermon Selewine Wuldwine
Burgred Flodwig Itryst Selred Wulf
Burgwenta Folca Itwyc Selwyn Wulfgar
Burgwynn Fordwin Itwynn Sentwine Wynnbald
Burhhelm Fram Iwynn Sessa Yonwin

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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Fantasy Hero and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.