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from March 3, 2002

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[Chavez] [Freedom]

WOD Gaming Notes for 03/03/2002



After leaving Freedom's house in New York, Chavez received a call from ISPY at WIS concerning the hotel that Caitlyn is staying at in New York.  Chavez and Sammi drove to the hotel to investigate.  After arriving at the hotel, Chavez went in the front entrance and Sammi came in through the back.  Chavez went to guest relations to see if Caitlyn was in her room.  Chavez was quickly turned away, as the hotel policy states that they cannot give out that information.  Chavez then received a phone call from ISPY at WIS with Caitlyn's room number, 7713.  Chavez waited till the clerk wasn't paying attention and then made his way up to the 7th floor via the elevator.  On the 7th floor, Chavez found Caitlyn's room, but the door was locked by an electronic security card.  Chavez then decided to go the the stairwell to look for Sammi.  Chavez heard the footfalls made by Sammi's Doc Martens and signaled to Sammi that he was also in the stairwell.  Chavez explained to Sammi that the room was locked by a Electronic Security system.  Sammi quickly ran back to the car to grab his gear.  While waiting in the stairwell, Chavez heard unfamiliar footsteps coming up the stairs, so he decided to light up a cigarette to disguise himself, since he was on one of the smoking floors of the hotel.  A young, Chinese gentleman, who introduced himself as Anthony Cheng, mentioned that he was doctor in town for a medical convention and said that he was looking for a position as a chief of staff and wondered if Chavez knew of a hospital that was interested in hiring one.  Chavez chatted for a few minutes, until he heard Sammi coming back up the steps.  He then butted his cigarette and took Anthony's card and said that it was nice meeting him.  Chavez then went down to meet Sammi.  Sammi told Chavez to lead the way to Caitlyn's room.  Sammi brought with him a special laptop with an electronic card attachment for cracking electronic security locks.  Sammi worked his magic with the laptop and opened the door to find an empty room that smelled of stale cigarette smoke.  The room had clothes scattered about, along with fast food wrappers.  With all the clothes everywhere, there were no suitcases to be found.  Sammi and Chavez looked everywhere, searching for clues as to Caitlyn's whereabouts.

In the bathroom, Chavez found a crumpled up note, stating, "pick up the kids at 9:30AM".  Chavez immediately showed the note to Sammi.  At that moment, Chavez received a call from ISPY at WIS.  ISPY informed Chavez that Caitlyn had booked a flight back to St. Louis, which was leaving in approximately two hours.  Chavez told Sammi that they should leave immediately and head back to St. Louis, Caitlyn must be going for their kids.

They both turned to head for the door, Sammi getting to the door first, when all of a sudden they heard a loud BLAMM, as a shotgun round blasted through the door, hitting Sammi dead-on in the chest.  Sammi was instantly knocked to the ground, out cold.  At that moment, Chavez heard a growling laugh come from the hallway, "I got 'im!", and then then footsteps heading away from the door.  Chavez went to check on Sammi.  Sammi let out a gasp, as he ripped open his shirt, exposing that he was wearing a bullet-proof vest.  Chavez helped Sammi to his feet.  They heard, from the hallway, the footsteps suddenly stop, and then march back toward the room.  The neighboring room's door opened and a loud cry shrieked and then instantly silenced.  Next they noticed that whatever was in the hallway, was in front of their door.  Through the large hole in the door they could see a Black Spiral Dancer in full crinos form hulking curiously in front of the door.  Acting quickly, Chavez jumped behind a wall in the room and signaled to Sammi his plan.  At that moment, the door burst open, as the BSD lunged in at Sammi and wrapped his arms around him.  Sammi pulled back, luring the BSD closer to the window and then suddenly rolled backwards.  From nowhere, Chavez executed a Bruce Lee style sidekick to the back of the Dancer, launching him through the window, six stories from the sidewalk.  Chavez looked out the window to see the outcome, but instead saw an angry Dancer hanging by one arm and swiping at his head with the other.  Luckily, the BSD missed, but Chavez didn't with his 9 mil'.  The Dancer fell to the ground, leaving an indentation in the ground.  Chavez turned to Sammi and they both agreed that it was time to leave.  By the time they got to the car, the Garou was gone.  

They headed for the airport.  By the time they reached the airport and were in the air, they had a fifteen minute head-start on Caitlyn.  As they arrived in St. Louis, the report from the tower was the weather was too bad to land and they'd have to circle the airport for awhile and only planes with low fuel or emergencies could try and land.  The pilot, John Osborne, came up with a plan.  He radioed to the tower that they were having hydraulic problem and needed to land.  Their magic landing number was 12 and Caitlyn's was 5.  Panic began to set in.  

Finally, it was their turn.  They landed and rushed to the car.  Thankfully, Sammi had driven to the airport and his car, a supped-up 'Vette, was waiting.  Sammi took to the wheel and sped home.  Luckily, Sammi was a crack driver or, due to the road conditions and Sammi's obnoxious speeding, they would have most likely have wrecked.  They made it to the nanny's house to find Caitlyn's car sitting in the driveway and Caitlyn with the kids walking to the car.  Sammi parked behind Caitlyn and jumped out, asking what she thought she was doing, taking the kids to Florida.  Rachel, happy to see her daddy, rushed to Sammi for a hug, the whole time Caitlyn and Sammi arguing.  Rachel, next saw Chavez and ran to him for hugs and kisses.  Chavez greeted Rachel and asked if she would like to come and stay with him and Sera for a while.  She agreed and got into Sammi's 'Vette.

Sammi inched closer to Caitlyn, as she put Sara, the youngest of their kids, into the car.  Caitlyn shut the door of the car, then came at Sammi with a syringe and stuck him in the shoulder.  The entire time, cussing came from Caitlyn's mouth, which was very unlike her.  Sammi instantly blacked out, from the high dose of tranquilizers.  Caitlyn, surprised to see Chavez, insisted that he give Rachel to her and let them go.  Chavez assertively disagreed to give up Rachel.  Caitlyn spouted, "That's fine, I only need one!"  Caitlyn then pulled out a gun and started shooting at Sammi's car, with Rachel still inside.  Chavez, shocked, leapt over the car, taking a bullet or two, and lunged for Caitlyn in an adrenalized fury.  Chavez noticed that Caitlyn's eyes and finger nails looked really odd.  Caitlyn slashed at Chavez, but missed, as he retaliated with a wheel-kick to her face.  Out of her mouth came a nasty black ooze, which dripped on Chavez's shoe and sizzled like acid.  Chavez tore off his shoe, as the acidic blood ate through the shoe.  Caitlyn struck at Chavez again, but luckily he was able to maneuver out of the way and into a perfect striking position.  Caitlyn received a side kick to the stomach, which knocked her to the ground.  Lying on the ground, spitting up blood, Caitlyn took aim with her gun, at the car that held Sara.  Chavez leapt into the air, landing on Caitlyn's throat.  Caitlyn still struggling, began to pull the hammer on the pistol, but Chavez dug in with his heels and snapped her neck.

Chavez rushed to Rachel, to find her crying and bleeding from the shoulder.  He picked her up and carried her toward the house.  The nanny came running out screaming, "What's happened?  OH MY GOD, WHAT'S GOING ON?"  Chavez handed the nanny Rachel and told her what happened and to take Rachel into the house.  Chavez then went to Sammi to take him inside.  Chavez got into the house with Sammi and then went to work on Rachel, with his medical expertise.  At that moment, he heard a noise from outside and then rushed to the see...Caitlyn struggling with the door to her car, trying to get in to Sara.  Chavez rushed to Caitlyn in the form of a flying sidekick to the throat.  Caitlyn, hitting the ground hard, choking up blood, gurgled, "Making sure..." and then passed.  Chavez reached in to get the baby only to discover that her throat was ...........slit!

The nanny came outside to see what was happening.  Chavez yelled for her to call 911.  Chavez then went inside to check on Rachel.  She was stable, but bleeding from a graze on her shoulder.  Chavez gathered up a few supplies and stitched her up.  He next awoke Sammi to the smell of Ammonia on a cotton ball.  Sammi was in total shock when he discovered what happen transpired.  He then jumped to his feet to run out the door, gun in hand, to put a couple bullets in Caitlyn's corpse.  Chavez pleaded with Sammi, somewhat forcefully, not to go outside.

When the police arrived, luckily for Chavez, the first person on the scene was Det. Sgt. Gerald Hanlon.  He was a long time friend of Chavez. The questioning proceeded and due to procedures, Chavez ended up in handcuffs.  Sammi and Rachel left in an ambulance to the hospital.  Chavez was taken to the Creve Coeur police department for questioning.  Chavez took his one call and contacted his lawyer, Jerome Shaft.  Jerome, not to happy to be woken up in the middle of the night, said he'd be right there.  While in the holding cell, Chavez noticed a black man that looked kind of familiar.  The man, noticing Chavez, introduced himself as G-Money.  Chavez remembered him from Carter Robert's gang.  The next call was for G-Money, he was being released.  G-Money left, but said he'd see him around.  Thirty minutes later, Jerome finally showed up to have Chavez released.  As Chavez left the police station, G-Money pulled up and asked if he needed a ride.  Chavez agreed and had G-Money take him to the studio.  After arriving at the studio, Chavez went in and called Sera to have her pick him up.

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Freedom arrived in New York to find Jess and the kids perfectly fine.  Jess mentioned that Caitlyn had said something about taking her kids to Florida for a vacation.  Freedom called Sammi to alert him of Caitlyn's plans.  Sammi and Chavez were already on a plane, heading back to St. Louis, trying to beat Caitlyn back to St. Louis for the kids.  

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