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A Lil 'bout Us Gor'Tog

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     Now before ya get upity, jus' understand I'm still writin' dis 'ere scroll. Now dat Forfedhdar is open ta us non-flyin' folk, I oughta be addin' more pretty soon.

     Dis is da place where I tell ya 'bout Gor'Tog's, what we are, what we done, an' where ya kin get all da fun Gor'Tog stuff.

     Warnin: Before ya folk go runnin' off screamin' 'bout 'ow I'm wrong an' should be punished, jus' keep in mind mosta dis stuff is my opinion. So much o' life depends on 'ow ya look at it, an' dis ain't no different. -Caraamon Makdasi

Da Myth About Our Brains:

     First o' all, I'd like ta clear up a long 'eld myth: we ain't stupid. I ain't sayin we're da brightest folk out dere, but we ain't no race o' morons like some people tink. As Aunt Olga says, we think slowly, nay badly. I wonna deny dat a lotta us tend ta kill before we think, but so do a lotta odder races. We're jus bedder at it, an' as any "smart" person knows, ya always go wit' yer strengths as much as ya kin.
     Also, we know a secret dat should be obvious ta everyone. Thinkin' is jus like anytin' else ya do, if ya go too fast ya end up makin' mistakes. If its worth doin', do it slow an' do it right.


How We Live:

     Where do mosta us come from? If ya wanna go way back, lotta us came from Forfedhdar, but dat was centuries ago. More recently, well dats fairly easy ta answer, clans mostly. Da Tiger an' Knife Clans are where lotsa us are born an' grow up, sometimes even Wolf Clan or River'aven. While lotta us folks do live in da cities, da clans offer us at least one great ting: space. Ya see, people dat live in da city are mostly wee folk, 'Umans, Elotheans, 'Alflins, da like, an' so most o' da 'ouses an' shop are made ta fit 'em. Toss in da new Gnome folk an' ain't very easy fer a Gor'Tog ta buy a right sized 'ouse in da city, 'e'd 'ave ta knock out da roof an' put annuder one on. Da streets an' shops ain't much bedder. But in da clans, aye, dey know da value o' a good Gor'Tog worker an' dey treat us right; big 'ouses, big shops, big streets. Both da Knife and Tiger clans boast a large Gor'Tog population, an' we always were welcome in Stone Clan even before its magic guardians were destroyed.
     Dere are really two types o' Gor'Tog 'ouses, cottages an' forts. Da cottages are da big wooden 'ouses wit da thatch fer roof an' prolly a dirt floor. Dis type o' 'ouse is fer da village Gor'Tog, too busy ta spend much effort on a place only 'olds 'im while 'e sleeps. Da other type, da fort, ain't really a fort, but its da solid stone buildins dat da dwarves taught us ta make. Both 'ouses are big an' prolly ugly by oder races views, but we know a 'ouse ain't meant ta be pretty, its meant fer bein' used. Ya wonna find fancy windows or pretty metal scrollwork, but ya will find solid construction dat will keep ya warm an' dry when nature comes after ya. Course dere are some old-fashioned Gor'Togs dat still like deir caves, especially in da Knife clan, but since I kinda like 'em too, we ain't gonna make fun o' em, right?.
     Unlike mosta da oder races, ya wonna find many lazy or drunken types among da common Gor'Togs. Da reasons are what oder people call stupidity an' our size. It's pretty simple, most Gor'Togs are too busy thinkin' through da important stuff ta get lost in silly ideas. Another reason is our size. A Gor'Tog needs so much food dat if 'e donna work, 'e'll starve, 'andouts an' trash searchin' ain't enough. Same goes fer booze, we need too much ta get drunk, an' most Gor'Tog's nay can or are nay willin' ta spend dat much. Sos whether we like it or nay, most Gor'Togs work 'ard an' stay (mostly) sober. Plus ya kin add da fact dat even da weakest Gor'Tog kin find a job doin' 'eavy liftin' or guard work, an' ya really 'ave ta work at bein' lazy.
     Course, us adventurin' Gor'Togs are all different; we do got da coin ta be lazy an' get drunk. Any wonder we like da Barbarian guild so much?

Notable Gor'Togs:

     Bukor: Bukor is da master leatherworker fer da Knife Clan. If 'e wasna so arrogant an' quick ta get mad, 'e'd be a great example o' what Gor'Togs should be.
          Bukor is big, he's green, and he looks mean. Any other details about his appearance are lost to the overwhelming influence of those three impressions.

     Havor Foehammer: Da local blacksmith in Tiger Clan. 'e's unable ta talk so 'e writes on 'is piece o' slate. Ya kin read more 'bout 'im in dis book.
          The Tiger Clan's renowned blacksmith, Havor Foehammer, is a seven-foot mountain of rippling Gor'Tog muscle. Faint creases around his face impart a ruggedly handsome appearance, but his deep azure eyes reflect pain and sorrow behind an otherwise stoic visage. A long, scarred leather apron protects his exquisitely sculpted body, and he grips a heavy iron hammer in his right hand like a child's toy.

     Kalag da Black:  Kalag's either da leader o' da Crossin' Tief guild, or 'e's someone o' really likes da sewers. Wit' all da crazies I run inta, dat second option ain't as odd as it sounds. 'E's got 'is own book.

     Father Karjon Gardosh: 'e's da local leader o' da Tiger Clan church.

     Mo:  Mo is da resident Barbarian guild leader up dere in River'aven, an' 'e does a wonderful job o' it. Gotta love dat tatoo!
          Mo hefts a double-bladed broadaxe like a hatchet in his bulbous fist and gnaws on a turkey leg in the other. The bare-footed Gor'Tog towers over you haughtily, glowering for no apparent reason and tugging at a bear hide jerkin, which looks a few sizes too small on his mammoth frame. A brazen red tattoo in the shape of a handprint graces his hairless scalp, the palm centered atop his head with fingers straining over a crinkled brow. Dark green skin almost swallows his eyes, glimmering with hidden intelligence despite his snide remarks.

     Neesa: Neesa is da local 'erb person an' midwife fer da Tiger Clan, though she only seems interested in remedies fer scars.
          Neesa, the elderly midwife of the Tiger Clan is so stooped that she looks almost doubled over. Her weathered olive skin is a mass of wrinkles, and her dark, beady eyes focus on you with a penetrating intensity. Her thick, bowed body is garbed in an old orange housedress, covered with a leather apron. Sprigs and branches poke out from the apron's pockets. The old Gor'Tog occasionally cackles to herself, lost in some amusing memory.

     Ortug Borthgar: Leader o' da Tiger Clan, 'e's da one dat take care o' 'iring out da Clanners as caravan guards. 'e usually kin be found in da Manor 'ouse near da Tiger Clan green. Dis book will tell ya more 'bout 'em. 'is wife is Resomba, an 'e's got a son Grob.

     Posimur: Dis is da Tiger Clan's local peddler, even though 'e's a bit o' a slob.
          Posimur, the Gor'Tog peddler, slumps against the rear of the wagon and nods off, seemingly unaware of your presence. Considering his rotund figure and pudgy cheeks, you wonder if he budges for anything other than his next meal. Foodstains from things better left unknown blotch his mustard yellow jerkin, and a stream of mead trickles onto his lap unnoticed from an overturned tankard. Posimur groggily raises his head and turns to face you, rubbing his eyes with ham-sized fists.

     Sazu: She's da Tiger Clan's resident dyer. Does good work.
          Sazu's light brown skin is liberally traced with a criss-crossing of wrinkles, particularly about her neck and eyes. Her china blue eyes are kindly, if a little vague in expression, and she peers about her surroundings through a pair of thick coral-rimmed spectacles.

          His rough hands are a dark green from work, and he eyes all of his wares with pride. Dressed in a simple linen smock and cotton pants, his wrists are wound with strips of hide into which thick leather-working needles have been stuck. A measurement rope with knots placed in regular intervals along its length is wrapped around his waist.

     Tobb: Da knife maker o' da Knife Clan.
          A Gor'Tog of considerable size, Tobb gives new meaning to the phrase "overwhelming presence". His hands are large and calloused with thick nails that show ivory white against his dark green hide. Despite his roughly cut features he has about him a calm appearance and an oddly kind expression in his darkly blue eyes.

     Uthmor da Giant:  If ya ask me, dis is what every Gor'Tog should work towards bein'. Uthmor was da Gor'Tog companion an' war leader o' Lanival an' it was Uthmor dat made Lanival's armies win. 'E was smart, powerful, brilliant tactician, but 'e knew da price o' war an' 'ow every life taken comes back ta 'aunt ya, if yer any sort o' decent person. Dis is what we should all become, a Gor'Tog dat 'as overcome 'is 'andicaps an' used 'is strengths! Ya kin read 'bout 'im 'ere.

     Zoratha:   Unfortunately, I canna seem ta find too much information on 'er. She was a barbarian dat lived durin da days o' da Dragon Priests. When she found out 'er 'usband, 'o was da chief o' da tribe, wasna gonna 'elp defend da Crossins 'gainst da Priests, she beat 'er 'usband in day-long battle an' led da tribe ta da Crossins.

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Page Last Updated: 01-22-08

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