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Preliminary Application


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At this time, we do not have any more openings in the Nexxus Academy PBEM.

We will be recruiting again in June.  Please check back with us then.

- Nexxus Academy GM's



So you've decided to apply?  Excellent!  Here, you can find the preliminary application we ask all people to fill out.  On it, we ask that you give us your top-3 choices of powers you would prefer to work with in the game, and the uses of those power.  We look forward to seeing what you have come up with.  But before you begin filling out an application, a few notes about applying


The Nexxus Academy GM's reserve the right to refuse any application for any character which utilizes any of the powers found on either the Unacceptable Powers List, or the Current Powers List.


The Nexxus Academy GM's reserve the right to establish maximum power levels (ie: tonnage, L.O.S, etc) on any requested power, in order to prevent God-Moding or Overpowering of Character.  These maximum levels will be sent to you along with the link to the full Character Bio Form.  As long as the "Limitations" and "Weaknesses" sections of the character on the completed bio form fall within the maximums established by the GM's, the character will likely be approved without the need for further modifications.


If you are having problems finding a power, please feel free to peruse the different lists of powers we have provided on the website.  There are over 150 different powers and general explanations available on those lists.  We hope you can find one that you would like to try.


This being said, we look forward to seeing your application.





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Last Updated on 01/04/2004