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Legal Disclaimers


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This is the part where we state, clearly, that all of the stuff that came from Marvel belongs to Marvel.  The Marvel Universe was our inspiration, and we would like to take a moment of silence to revere them for their vision and creativity, without which, we would not have been able to create this game or site.

But... this is a website.  Taking a moment of silence is kind of hard to do.

So let's all just pretend we took that moment

And while we're at it, we're also going to mention that all the bios, (except the ones that belong to Marvel), were all created by the players.   We don't know where the pictures came from, so if we are in any kind of violation of any kinds of laws, it is completely unintentional.  We are using the stuff from Marvel without their permission, but we hope with their indulgence, and we are using the stuff from our players sorta with their permission, and we hope with their indulgence too.

If Marvel (or our players, or anyone else with any legal claim to anything on the website) objects to our use of their stuff, they can drop us a line and let us know , and we'll see what we can do to make everyone happy.

So to make a long disclaimer short:  Everything that originated with US is OURS, and everything that originated with SOMEONE ELSE is theirs.

In the interests of Marvel, we will also state the following:

Names and Characters from the Marvel Universe, and the likenesses thereof, are Trademarks of Marvel Characters Inc.






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Last Updated on 12/07/2003