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Unacceptable Powers


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In every game, it's bound to happen.  The GM's have a list of powers that they just won't admit for whatever reason.  Well, here is our list.  But we'll give you reasons why we won't accept them.  You don't have to like our reasons, or our restrictions.  But then, you also don't have to play our game.


Powers We Won't Accept Into Our Game (and Why!)




Why you're fooling yourself if you think we're going to admit a character with this power

Cousin Powers

This is essentially any power that is so closely related to another power already in use that it might as well be the same power.    Portaling and Teleportation.  Mono-morphism and Poly-morphism.  A psionic sword when we already have a psionic chakram, super-strength when we have enhanced strength, Photographic Memory when someone has already claimed Edetic Memory.  You've heard the phrase "If it looks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, its a duck"?  Well, if it has the same uses, manifestations and results as telekinesis, you can call it anything you want, it's still telekinesis.  This is why we have all potential players fill out a Preliminary Application with their top-3 choices of powers. So we can avoid Cousin Powers, at least among the student characters.


Dimensional Portalist, Jumper, or Traveler

The ability to create portals, or otherwise travel, into other dimensions.  As GM's we need to have control over this kind of thing.  Allowing people to control for themselves when they go to other words, dimensions, whatever, is essentially allowing players to take control over major plotlines, which is essentially our job.  And while we WILL allow players to create their own sub-plots within the game, the major plotlines are OUR jurisdiction, as GM's


Energy Manipulator

The ability to manipulate energy.      There are hundreds of different kinds of energy in the known universe. And you want to be able to manipulate them all??  Not likely. Not only does it make the character akin to a God, it severely cuts down on possible characters for other people.  You need to be more specific in the type of energy you wish to manipulate.


Electromagnetic Manipulation

As in, the ability to manipulate any form of energy which appears on the EM spectrum?  ALL forms of energy show up on the EM Spectrum.  However, if you mean powers like Magneto (magnetic fields), that is a different story entirely.  We won't accept those either, but this time, it's because we have both Magneto, and Magneto's son as characters in the game.  It's overkill to admit another one.


Electrical Manipulation

The ability to control electricity.  Our reasons for this are purely practical.  The students live in a house where everything except the Danger Room is powered by electricity.  We would really rather not have to rebuild, reboot, or reinstall everything in the mansion every time the untrained mutant has an accident. 



The ability to see into the future.  Again, we're the GM's.  Why would we want to have to tell a player everything we have planned for every plot?  Why would we want to warn them of everything that is going to happen?  And why should everyone else in the game have to warn your character of everything they are going to do before they do it?  That is the only way this power would work.  It hardly seems fair, to them or to us.  Not only that, it's a lot of hassle.


Matter Manipulation

The ability to manipulate organic or inorganic material and shape it through will.    The students live in a house full of organic and inorganic material..... and we see no reason to give a player that kind of control over the entire environment where everyone lives.  For more information on this, see the notes under Technopath.



AKA: Give me a break.    We looked it up.  Psionics can include, and is not limited to: Astral Travel (including Astral Eyes, Form, Manifestation, Mind Merge, and Solidify) Electrokinesis (Shielding, Manipulation, Generation, Interface, Blackout, Absorbtion, Overload, and Discharge) Temporal Projection (See Past, See Anscestral Past, Ancestral Projection, Time Freeze) Empathy, Precognition, Mind-Bonding, Addhesion, Shapeshifting, Soul Weapons, Matter Manipulation, Psychic Bandaging, Trans-Dimensional Portaling, Pyrokinesis.... the list goes ON and ON and ON.  That's right, this power can do it all.  But perhaps you know it better by its other name:  GOD. 



The ability control machines with the power of one's mind.  This one is a lot like Electrical Manipulation, with a twist.  The students live in a house with a Danger Room, Cerebro, and a highly sophisticated security system.  Not only would an accident seriously put everyone in the mansion up the proverbial crick without the proverbial paddle, any level of serious control over this power would basically mean we, the GM's, would be handing over complete power over the living environment (from temperature controls to security to the full might of the Danger Room) over to a player.  There's a reason why they call people like us "GM's."  It's because we're supposed to be the Masters of the Game.  We can't master the game if we can't control the environment the characters play in.


Time Manipulation

The ability to jump forward, jump backward, pause, speed up, slow down, or in any way effect time, be it for themselves or for the entire world.  Not only is it too complicated, and the implications too mind-boggling to even begin to wrap our minds around.... jumping forward is pointless as the future is not set... jumping back is just another word for a lot of re-writing and re-organizing of plots while the game itself stands still.... pausing is just another way to keep the game from going anywhere... speeding up just plain won't happen because this is a PBEM and by its very definition will cruise along at the speed of your average land turtle.... and slowing down is just plain stupid because your land turtle doesn't travel very fast in the first place, and many of the players would like their characters to eventually graduate someday, and it's going to take them long enough already.  So... No.





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Last Updated on 12/07/2003