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Marvel:  Without whom, none of this would be possible
Marvel Directory:  A great place for Marvel Character bios.  There are characters listed here we didn't even know existed.   Also lists of strength levels, teams, terms, and dimensions.  Cool.
Wolverine's Realm: a fun sight just to look over for information about our favorite Canuck
The Uncanny X-Songs Archive.  A hilariously funny jaunt into musical creativity revolving around the people of the X.  Good for a few hours of Sing-A-Long Fun!
The Hero Machine:  For the Artistically Challenged, this site can help create character pictures.  It's a little limited by way of choices, but if you can't draw, you should be used to your limitations, and have no problems with these.
Bobbi's Personal EZBoard.




Site Outline


Last Updated on 12/07/2003