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Combat Powers

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Power Name

Power Description


Strength and Fighting ability increases, while Reason and Intelligence drop. The upside is that the character gets an Iron Will, making Psychic attacks impossible.


Mirror Image

The character has the ability to mirror the moves of an opponent as the opponent initiates them.  This power can only be used to mirror the actions of an opponent, and only has the power to defeat an opponent if the character's physical strength and endurance is greater than that of their opponent.


Object Creation

The character can create an object out of their body's substances and use them as weapons during battle.  The strength of the weapon is dependent upon the substance it is created out of, and will deteriorate over time, from the moment of creation.


Unique Weapon

The character can create one weapon that is unique unto themselves.  This weapon is generated out of "personal energy" and becomes the manifestation of the character's will and strength.  However, use of the weapon and damage taken by the weapon will drain the character of personal energy.  By example, a unique weapon manifesting in the shape of a whip may be wielded as any whip is wielded, with the same resulting effects as any whip.  However, the physical strength required to wield the whip will drain the character of their physical energy.  Likewise, should the whip be cut/severed, the strength of the character would be likewise diminished, dependent upon how damaged the whip became.  (The strength of the character is drained with each use of the weapon, and any damage inflicted upon the weapon.


Weapon Tinkering

The character can assemble or improve upon any existing weapon providing the materials needed are at their disposal