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Energy Control

Up Combat Powers Communication Defensive Powers Detection Powers Energy Control Illusion Abilities LifeForce Others Physical Deviations Travel

Power Name

Power Description

Energy Plasmoids

The character can create energy constructs which detonate within a limited timespan. Examples would include "bombs" such as used by Meltdown, and "Firewords" such as used by Jubilee.



Controling the intensity of Cold Powers.  This could include ice formation and manipulation, or temperature control within a limited area.


Energy Sponge

Collect and store any kind of energy.  Effects could include diffusing energy attacks and power emissions.



The ability to summon a physical manifestation of one of the elements (water sprite, air fairy, salamander, etc)


Fire Control

Controls existing flames.


Fire Generation/Pyrokinesis

Creation of flames and control over flames created, but not existing flames.


Gravity Manipulation

Teh ability to control the effects of gravity within a certain limited field of influence



The ability to manipulate existing water



The ability to generate water


Kinetic Bolt

Generation of a Kinetic Energy "bolt", which may be "thrown" at a target. 


Light Bending

Controlling existing light to form crude holographic imaging.  Can include altering perceived color.  May NOT be used to simulate invisibility or "fine imagery"


Light Generation

Generation/Creation of Light


Psionic Weaponry

Characters may create physical weaponry, such as clubs and swords (but not guns, etc.), through sheer force of psionic power


Silence Sphere

The ability to completely negate sound within a limited sphere of influence



Generation of sound waves to perform feats, such as flight and damage attacks.  Does not include manipulation of existing sound.


Sound Manipulation

Controlling existing sound to mute or magnify sounds. 


Thermal Control

Control heat waves to intensify or lessen temperatures within a limited area