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Detection Powers

Up Combat Powers Communication Defensive Powers Detection Powers Energy Control Illusion Abilities LifeForce Others Physical Deviations Travel

Power Name

Power Description

Abnormal Senstivity

The character can use their senses in ways normal people cannot. Not to be confused with heightened senses, an example would be having the capability to see in the infrared spectrum, but not within the normal spectrum


Death Sense

The ability to perceive imminent death, and can be triggered whenever a target is in a life-threatening situation.


Circular Vision

The ability to all 360 degrees


Energy Detection

The ability to sense forms of energy


Enhanced Senses

The character has one or more of the five normal senses enhanced (sight, hearing, taste, scent, touch)


Genetic Perception

The ability to see/read someone's genetic code (the ability detect mutants)


Life Detection

The ability to sense and identify the presence of life forms


Power Detection

To be able to identify the type of power a mutant is using, and, if familiar with the mutant, link the power back to the mutant using it. And example would be identifying a bending metal gate as Manipulation of Magnetic Fields, and tracing it back to Magneto (if the character was aquainted with Magneto)


Reality Perception

The ability to see through illusions, projections, and constructs.  Examples would include psionic images, holographic images, and psychic illusions.



The ability to locate any other character/object once locating its trail. (requires a "scent" from the object or person)


Virtual Sight/Far Sight

The ability to see over vast distances without leaving their physical location.  The character receives a visual simulation of the world as if they were present at the scene.  This ability overrides normal sight and is not hindered by visual obstructions.