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Physical Deviations

Up Combat Powers Communication Defensive Powers Detection Powers Energy Control Illusion Abilities LifeForce Others Physical Deviations Travel

Power Name

Power Description

Abnormal Physiology

A deviation from the normal appearance of a human (mirrored eyes, unusual hair color, prehensile toes/feet, completely double-jointed, etc)


Anatomical Separation

The character has the ability to physically remove any part of their anatomy and reattach it later.



A character's physical appearance bears similarities to an animal (claws, fangs, tails, etc)


Body Armor

A character's skin has permanently taken on properties which provide enhanced protection against physical attacks (metal, wood, etc)


Bouncing Ball

The character can "rebound" from surfaces, allowing them to bounce, attack, and absorb attacks from other characters while suffering minimal damage to themselves.  Highly susceptible to slashing and psychic attacks.


Death Simulation

The character can alter their metabolism, heart and pulse rate, and neural impulses to simulate the appearance of death


Enhanced Senses

The character's senses have been hyper-sensitized



The character has abnormally enhanced agility



The character has abnormally enhanced endurance



The character has abnormally enhanced strength



The character has abnormally enhanced speed



The character can "plant" themselves in the ground, after which no amount of force will move them.  The character is impervious to physical attacks.  However, the character cannot retaliate.



The character has an immunity to specific attacks/poisons/etc



The character is invulnerable to physical attacks



The character has no special healing powers, but has an increased lifespan.  This power automatically assumes immunity to poisons, deseases and toxins.


Non-stick Surface

The character can generate or project a non-stick surface, which is completely slick.  This power can allow the character to "skate" along surfaces or cause opponents to slip, as well as provide resistence against blunt-force attacks, immunity to grappling attacks, and counter adhesive powers such as webbing, bonding, and wall-crawling.



The character generates quills which can be used for attacks against opponents


Razor Skin

The character possesses skin which is sharp to the touch



The character can regenerate lost limbs



The character can alter their shape/appearance into any alternate form.  Possibilities include mono-/poly-/mega-morphism.


Size Manipulation

The character can control their physical size, or is of a size that is larger/smaller than normal.



The character can move in silence and avoid detection



The character can harmlessly reduce his body (and any nonliving matter he carries) to a flat, two-dimensional version. To an onlooker, the character appears to have transformed himself into a life-size photograph. The character’s body functions and abilities are unaffected. Because the character is now extremely thin, gaining leverage on three-dimensional objects is extremely difficult. He is also extremely hard to hit if he can turn his flat side toward his opponents. While in a flattened state, the character suffers less damage from blunt physical attacks; the power rank number decreases the damage by that much for each attack. On the other hand, a flat character can suffer all sorts of abuse that he would normally ignore, such as being folded like a map and locked in a glove compartment. 



Once the character has begun moving, no force can stop their momentum.