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Gender Bending Rule


Up The Rules Gender Bending Rule Academy/Grounds Academy/World Advancement


This is a general note concerning the GMs view on the issue of "Gender Bending" (Males playing Female Characters, and Females playing Male Character)

Simply put: We do not allow it within the Nexxus Game.

Further, if/when we discover that a player is gender-bending, they will be removed from the lists.

In past games, we have had too many problems with people who play characters who are not the same gender they, themselves, are. Too many players had problems with it, especially when it came to the development of character relationships. So we now make it a policy not to allow Gender Bending.

We make only ONE exception to this rule. Because the Nexxus Game allows players to take on a second character after a certain level of advancement, if the player wishes to play a sibling of their current character, THEN we will consider allowing it. 

We realize this seems discriminatory, but we will never claim to be anything other than discriminating. We take great care with our players and their happiness with the game, and until the players indicate that they are comfortable with the idea, that's the way it's going to be.

So please, when creating your character, do not submit a character that is not the same gender you are. If you are male, submit a male character. If you are female, submit a female character. It makes life easier on all of us.





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Last Updated on 12/07/2003