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The Rules


Up The Rules Gender Bending Rule Academy/Grounds Academy/World Advancement


1) Treat all players with respect. Do not move, or otherwise use, other people's characters without their permission. Likewise, try to avoid disrespectful remarks on-list about other players. (We all like to have fun, and joke and tease, but if it goes too far, and someone gets insulted, then it is no longer fun) 

2) No killing someone else's character without the express permission of the player behind it. (Exception: See Rule 10 and 12)

3) Do not assume damage for another character. In other words, when an attack takes place, there is always a chance that the attack was evaded, blocked, or otherwise diverted.  It is up to the player to determine if damage was taken to their character, and what kind or extent. 

4) Take damage. If you are in a battle, and it is not within the scope of your character's abilities to divert, evade, or escape an attack, it is in good form to be injured in some way. We are not saying you have to put your character in a coma ("Actors don't like to play coma, they feel it limits their range") but give them bumps, scrapes, bruises and broken bones and the like. It helps keep things "real".

5) NPC usage is completely discretionary. You may create commoners (towns people, and city dwellers) at will. The GMs must approve any use of a mutant powered character, or any long-term playing character, other than those you have received acceptance to play, BEFORE you use them. (i.e.: Wolverine may not be used unless the GMs say you can, and then only in the method approved by the GMs.)

6) There is a One Post Per Week Per Character minimum requirement for student characters during "down times".  When the game moves into a major plotline (ie: a GM-Instigated fight or adventure which moves your character off-campus for any reason) the requirement becomes a MINIMUM of One Post Every Three Days.  This is to ensure that major plotlines continue to progress at a steady rate.  If you fail to meet the requirement consistently, you will be removed from the lists until your schedule allows you to meet the requirements.

NOTE: In order to qualify as a POST, it must be at least 3 paragraphs in length, of your own writing.  It cannot be 3 paragraphs of copied writing from someone else's post, with one sentence of response from your character.  If your post does not meet this requirement, it will not be counted, and your character will be considered inactive.

EXCEPTIONS: If you inform us beforehand of a need for an absence (vacations, emergencies, "personal business", etc) you will be allowed to remain on the list, and will be exempted from posting audits for up to 4 weeks, after which we would appreciate a status update.

7) There is a "Three Strikes" initiative in this game.  It goes something like this:  If you have to be removed from the posting lists 3 times for non-posting, you will lose all characters.  You may be allowed in the game again, but you will have to create a completely new character, and begin again from scratch.  And if you have to start from scratch 3 times, you will be removed from the game entirely, and will not be admitted back.

8) We GM's conduct "Posting Audits" once per month.  We do NOT give any other warnings than this one.  At the time of the posting audit, you must have posted for your characters, as often as required by the guidelines stated in Rule #6, within the last 7 days, or you will lose the character which has failed to meet this requirement.

9) Should any conflicts arise in the game, which cannot be resolved among the players, the GMs will resolve it. The decisions of the GMs in such cases will be made as fairly as possible, but are final and non-debatable. Likewise, any personal problems with other players should be brought to the GMs attention, and we will try to help. 

10) We GMs are reasonable people, and we are going to try to allow the players as much creative freedom as possible. But some order must be maintained, and the general flow of the game must continue to progress. We will attempt to do this. But please remember that we GM's control the "acts of God". Any prolonged irritation of the GMs, or continual hampering of our ability to maintain the order and flow of the game, may result in "acts of God" happening directly to your character, followed by a therapeutic misadventure.

11) This is not a recruiting station.   We are not here so people can solicit players for other games.  Our players are not here to be bombarded with advertisements from any number of would-be GM's.  If we find any player using this game, its mailing list, its forum, or its chat-room, to recruit players for their own game, we will remove that player from the game and they will not be allowed back.  If you want to recruit, we highly recommend using

12) We, the GM's, do not guarantee the life of your character.  If you continuously throw your character into the dragon's teeth, off a cliff, or towards the Juggernaut, we are NOT going to have a Mystical Knight, Magic Trampoline, or the Phoenix appear out of nowhere to save your character.  If you do something stupid, expect your character to get killed.  

13) Further additions to this list will be added as required.


Site Outline


Last Updated on 12/15/2003