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Up The Rules Gender Bending Rule Academy/Grounds Academy/World Advancement


The game begins in the year 2030...


There have been many changes in the last few decades, in places both near and far.  Below are some places of Key Note, along with links to explanations of how things have changed, and maps (if available) to look at.  Click a link, and learn a little more about the world in which we play



General Global Information

Relations between humans and mutants have greatly improved over the last several decades.  Gone are the days of Sentinels, and mutant hate crimes are at an all-time low.  Much of the problems with poverty have been solved, with the advent of the "Credit" as the universal currency, and the rise in public programs, public housing, and public aid.  Gone are the days when living in the streets is the only recourse for a human or mutant.  Those who find themselves without housing or food can go to a federally funded shelter, and work with a counselor (often formerly homeless and unemployed themselves) to locate a place to live and a job. 

"Money" has been eliminated, the Global Economy now being based off a standard "credit" system, with payroll and other forms of financial exchanges being transacted electronically. Each credit has a standard worth. Credits are credited and debited to individual accounts, much like a checking account, and transactions are completed with the use of a "Credit Card". However, these credit cards do not permit "borrowing", so are closer to "Instant Cash Cards", as you cannot spend more than you have earned into your account. Credit accounts (which have replaced savings, checking, and former credit accounts) are available to all, and wages are paid directly into accounts.

In the Savage Land, big game hunting has become a fad sport, and the area is often toured by big game hunters.  The effects it has had on mutants in the past still holds, which makes it a favored spot for those few factions still harboring hatred against mutants.

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Westchester/Salem Center

The Salem Center of the X-Men's time no longer exists. Once a quiet little suburb, most of the wealthy populous no longer live there, having moved to more elite neighborhoods and areas. Salem Center can now be classified as a scarcely populated country side residential area at best, having regressed to a state of farms and town dwellers, with the actual town centering most business from the self-employed entrepreneurs, such as Mom & Pop Diners, barber shops, e-cafes, and smaller specialized stores (since most shopping establishments are now based off on-line trading, or done at huge shopping malls.) 

Most of the locals are very accepting and somewhat proud of the Mutant educational facility located just outside their town, down a rarely traveled two lane road. The school has provided a rare and exciting learning experience for a selected few mutants, and is considered to be one of the more exclusive schools not only in the state, but the nation. Mutant students are offered the opportunity to attend the school for free, and are only required to perform minimal maintenance tasks, such as general upkeep of the facility, in return. 

Harry's Hideaway...No longer under the management of everyone's favorite bartender, Harry, the bar was later purchased by Logan, who, on occasion (not school nights, however) will invite mutant students down to the pub for all the "In my day, X-men did/didn't" stories they could bear to hear. With the legal drinking age being lowered back to 18 in the future, Logan has no qualms about giving a few free rounds on the house to Nexxus School students.

Salem Center Malt Shop...For those who don't favor alcoholic beverages, and like a nice place to chat after an all day mall run, the Malt shop provides delicious shakes and ice cream cones at a reasonable price even the students can afford. 

Salem Center Mall - A great place to get all those "Must Have" items, when you cannot afford to wait for the delivery man on online purchases.

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New York

Just as with Little Italy, and Chinatown, there is now a mutant community section in New York City, where the population is primarily mutants.   There are also several nightclubs and hot spots that have risen in popularity within New York City, including...

Aces High - A Nightclub which has become a favorite of the mutant young adults, it is owned, operated, and employs primarily mutants. Concerts are sometimes held there as well. 

The Inferno - A heavy metal/retro bar, with dance floors and live bands. It can get a little rowdy, and fights have been known to happen there.

The Underground - A comfortable coffee shop, complete with board games and bookshelves, for that "Back to the Nineteen-Nineties" feel.

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Latverian Empire

Europe no longer exists as we know it, it now goes under the title of the Latverian Empire. This includes the British Isles.  Until very recently, it was ruled by Emperor Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom) and his laws enforced by members of the Latverian Guard .  Although the area West of Moscow has recently been annexed by the Latverian Empire, and is referred to as Euro-Latverian Russia, it has been torn by civil war for decades now, with a strong and nearly triumphant communist front led by a crazed Omega Red.  

More recently, in 2024, Emperor Von Doom disappeared without a trace.  In the first few years following his disappearance, the Guard was able to maintain order and stability.  As time passed, however, and it began to look as though Emperor Von Doom may not return, disputes began to arise between the individual Guard Leaders.  The Guard fractured, and each Guard Leader retreated to their individual power bases.  Now, the Latverian Empire is a place of conflict and strife, as each sector of the former Guard wars with each other for territory and influence.

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Madripoor has been renovated to a resort/casino town, with a now higher crime rate than before. The Princess Bar was destroyed in a fire in the late twenties, but has been rebuilt under the supervision of Tiger Tyger and Logan upon occasion. 

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The Mediterranean has become a hotspot for wealthy mutants, with the area highly accepting of them, Italy considering it highly fashionable to be a mutant. 

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Egypt is increasingly experiencing paranormal activities with more observable alien interaction centered around the pyramids.

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Last Updated on 12/07/2003