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“Braveheart Special” Tattoo

First Half

Opening & Welcome speech by Robert the Bruce.
Edward Longshanks sends his army to Scotland to sort the Scots.

Band of the Hampshire Constabulary - Representing the English Army
10 minutes playing time.

Opening speech by William Wallace calling his army to Stirling

Massed Pipes & Drums
March on Cock o’ the North - known tune and immediately gets everyone stompimg and clapping.

William Wallace freedom speech - all shout freedom & chant “Wallace, Wallace, Wallace...” then strike up & march to battle

Scotland the Brave - Need for rousing tune to start set
Galloway Hills
Rowan Tree
Old Rustic Bridge 2 parts

William Wallace acknowledges victory at Stirling and asks his army to follow him to finally rid Scotland of English domination

Flower of Scotland x2 at halt.

Robert the Bruce narrates that Scotland rejoice at the victory and the people have new hope

March off Caber Feidh

Country Dancers perform 7-8 mins (2 dances)

Edward Longshanks comes with his army and wins at Falkirk after doing deals with the Scottish nobles.

Band of the Hampshire Constabulary - “warlike English tunes”

Edward Longshanks - “It is 1305 and I still rule Scotland. Wallace is captured and I will have him submit to my rule or die a cruel death.”

Robert the Bruce tells of William Wallace’s courage and death with Scotland’s fight renewed by his martyrdom. “I now call upon all Scots to unite and let me, your rightful king, lead you to victory”

Massed Pipes & Drums
March on Farewell to the Creeks (in memory of Albert Forbes)

Robert the Bruce - “After numerous victories my army lays siege to Stirling Castle and are camped at the Bannockburn. Edward’s army is marching towards us. Let us celebrate our victories and prepare for our greatest battle.”

Highland Dancers - 10 mins- Supply own Solo Piper?

Robert the Bruce “ It is 1314 and this is our greatest battle these are my words to you brave Scottish soldiers”

Choir - Sing Scot’s wha Hae

As the choir end everyone shouts freedom and strike up..

Massed Pipes & Drums
Scots wha hae (A+B)- Soloist P/M Roger Huth

Robert the Bruce - narrates “Following our victory at Bannockburn I became the undisputed King of Scotland and the people of Scotland tasted freedom once again. In 1320 the nobles of Scotland sent a declaration to the pope proclaiming that as long as 100 nobles were able to lead their army they would never give up Scotland’s freedom. This declaration is known as the Declaration of Arbroath and is still cherished today.

William Wallace - “Aye and 700 years after my victory at Stirling Bridge the people of Scotland were again able to give voice to their quest for freedom - this time by voting to elect a Scottish Parliament - and with the blessing of the British parliament to which we proudly belong.” Freeeeeedom”

Massed Pipes & Drums
March Off A hundred pipers

Followed by all remaining.


Band of the Hampshire Constabulary 10 mins

Massed Pipes & Drums
March on Barren Rocks Of Aden
Mairi’s Wedding

Form Circle

79th Farewell to Gibraltar
Orange & Blue (2)
The Kilt is my Delight (2)

Stop after reel then Reform
Green Hills, Battles O’er finish facing audience

Highland & Country Dancers

Massed Bands (Police + Pipes)
Highland Cathedral - Soloist P/M Robert Pearson
Amazing Grace - Soloist Olivia McLennan

Tunes of their choice but able to be recognised and sung by the audience e.g. Westering Home, Skye Boat song, Will ye go lassie go, Loch Lomond, I love a lassie, A mans a man, Annie Laurie, Charlie is my darling, Bonnie Dundee.

Band of the Hampshire Constabulary
Land of Hope & Glory
Evening Hymn + Last Post

Lone Piper - Iain McNeill

Massed Bands (Police + Pipes as appropriate)
National Anthem
Auld Lang Syne (2 parts)

Curtains close on Police Band

Massed Pipes & Drums
We’re na awa ta bide awa
Heilan’ Laddie
March off Black Bear

March off followed by all.




Band Picture - Military Parade

Tattoo 1997

Tattoo 1998

Narrative - Tattoo '98

Piper/Drummer Info

What is going on at the moment

Tattoo '97 Acknowledgements

Hot News for Wessex Tattoo 1999Royal Albert Hall April Listings & Information

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