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See below for details of our Pipers/Drummers.

  Our Pipe Major is P/M Iain McNeill  formerly a Grade I piper with Polkemmet Pipe Band. Iain has been with us for some years now and was P/Sgt until the retirement of P/M Robert Pearson in November 2000 when he was a unanimous choice as our new Pipe Major.  Congratulations Iain.  We are all enjoying working with you.

Our Drum Major is Virginia McLennan. Trained by D/M Joe MacDonald, the former Senior Drum major of the Queen's Own Highlanders. She is a very experienced D/M and veteran of many Tattoo's.  Partnered Joe MacDonald as the 2nd Drum major at The Scottish Tattoo at The Royal Albert Hall this year.

George Woods is the secretary and is a surfer of the internet. George is a tune hunter - some would say addicted! Despite his addiction George manages to carry out the remainder of his duties and keeps us all updated via a regular engagement list. Golf is is other passion. This does not interfere with his ever present status for the pipe band. Well done George.


Gerry Brown is a marvel. He is over 70 years old and started piping at 60!  He suffers from arthritis and is a diabetic. Despite visibly being in great pain, on occasion, Gerry always turns out and is a great stalwart for the band. Mr Reliable and the most practical of men.  No matter what the problem, Gerry is able to manufacture a solution. Can turn his hand to any task requiring hand skills and gives of his skill freely and without favour.  Gerry is also the band treasurer and is a safe pair of hands with the band funds.  Our thanks Gerry.


Pipe Sergeant Ian Freeman is our longest serving piper and yet still one of the youngest (he says!) members of the band. He started when he was 12 years old and during his time in the band has had a variety of jobs and a reputation for piping his way across Europe. Life takes its toll on us all....He is now married to Kathy (a martyr) and gained an engineering degree to secure a prosperous future. Latest news is that Ian & Kathy are expecting a wee piper on Christmas as it arrives!  Ian taught Roy Parker who in turn taught my daughter Olivia.  It has to be mentioned that Ian's repertoire on the pipes is extensive and also designed to fit the audience. Daisy, Daisy and the Can Can are just two of a range that extracts some very odd sounds and techniques to produce them! 


Drum Sergeant David White, was taught by former sergeant Leighton Roost and has also attended drumming courses and has won an RSPBA competition gold medal. A virtual ever present in the band and an outstanding drummer. So young he won the young drummer of the year every year until he decided he was old at 18.


Piper Colin Campbell. Colin has been a band member for many years and is a great servant of the cause. Colin stepped down from the committee this year after fulfilling most of the executive posts over the years. It has to be said that he kept his head down when the treasurer's position became vacant!  Thanks Colin for your work in the band.

Piper Michael Green is also a fine church organist. Despite work, family and Church commitments Michael is a keen supporter of the band and audits our finances.


Nick Haddow Learner Piper and former Bass drummer. Nick was responsible for upgrading the uniform last year, as Quarter Master. He stepped down this year owing to work commitments.

Our Welsh Celt Drummer Ron Johns  joined the band as he wanted to put his expert drumming to good use and also have a range of new experiences.  He travelled, 4 hours each way, to attend practice and engagements. So we thought he must be keen! Ron's side drumming skills, combined with his enthusiasm and determination to improve, led to his early appointment as our drum sergeant. In turn, he was chosen to be the leading tip at the first ever Scottish Tattoo at The Royal Albert Hall in 1999. However, sadly, a severe illness has led to his absence from the band and we hope that the treatment is successful and look forward to his return when he is able.


Piper Richard Liddell hails from Zimbabwe and served in their army in his youth.  Leads a very busy work life but maintains a regular attendance for the band and loves to play.


John Markham has been a member of the band for many years and was originally a solo piper.  A fine piper who is also a very lean and fit member of the band.  


John Morton comes and goes! he is currently gone! He is vice president and long time member who has homes in Scotland and England.  Hence the earlier statement.  A mischievous chap who is a retired dentist who swallowed too much happy gas!


Irene Robinson is a regular piper who has progressed well since taking up the pipes after years away from them. Irene is a nurse and her skills are welcome on band trips.  A qualified hypnotherapist, she has promised to convince us all we are great pipers and drummers! Work on the audience first Irene!


Michael Haruk is now a fully established Side Drummer and has made excellent progress under the stewardship of D/Sgt David White.

So much so that he was named "Young Drummer of the Year 2000 by the D/M and was presented with the Harry Suffell Shield.


Phillip Daniels joined last year after seeing the band perform.  A former drummer in a marching band Philip quickly took up the challenge of Pipe band beatings and is now a fully fledged side drummer in the band.  He made his first RAH appearance in 2001.


Toby Daniels young son of Phillip and a great wee character. Has an excellent beat and is now an accomplished tenor drummer and learning side drum.  Itching to be big enough for the bass! Named by D/M as Young Drummer of the Year 2001. Well done Toby.


Sophie Daniels a rising star. Learned the tenor drum in about two weeks and is excellent. Now devouring side drum - a natural.


Alisdair MacLeod has progressed from learner to piper and we are very pleased to see him break into the playing ranks.  Well done Alisdair. Made his first appearance at the Wessex and Royal Albert Hall Tattoo's this year.  Congratulations on your success Alisdair.


Another Clan member Donny MacLeod is a former Scots guard and was Pipe Major of Leyton & District Pipe Band in London.  On moving to Bournemouth he found us and was soon travelling Europe with the band.  He cannot believe his luck and often says the band have made him and partner Sue so welcome.  Donny was the star in December when he was asked to take charge of the band after the death of P/M Bob Pearson. He was excellent under very trying circumstances. Thanks Donny.  Since then he has become a vital member of the band and great company.


Nigel Ball joined to learn the pipes and bought a new chanter for the purpose.  Within two weeks he took a fancy to the bass drum and proved to be a natural. "I've got rhythm" comes to mind!  Joe MacDonald was secured as coach and already Nigel has played at the Royal Albert Hall and entered his first Mini Band Competition!


Ben the side drum learner is a recent joiner and is making rapid progress. It won't be long before he is out with the band.


Carl Steel joined as a piper after a mis-spent youth in the Wirral, Cheshire.Carl is so cute he has his own website! Take a look. His work involved overcoming the Millennium bug and takes him overseas on occasion.  


Gilbert "Gibby" Hamilton is making excellent progress on the pipes under the instructive eyes and ears of John Markham.  He is also a keen helper within the band - recognising the fact that the tuition is free 

and that it is right to give something back to the band.


Jim Wright is another learner on the pipes and making good progress.

A regular attender, which is essential for progress.


Band President Johnny Johnson has played a major part in the band's development over the years. A former secretary and Drum Major in the band.  Rerired from active duty, Johnny appears at all the bands critical occasions and lends his support and authority where he sees it can be beneficial.  Thanks Johnny.


Ray Gover band supporter.  Needs a mention because of his willingness to do anything to help. Thank you Ray people like you help keep the wheels if you could give my car a service!



Will Howat & John Holloway 2 learner pipers who are currently absent.  We lok forward to their early return.  


Ian McLennan that's me!  Hard to write too much about yourself so suffice it to say that I am newly elected chairman, previously QM and current Event Organiser including creator of the Wessex Tattoo which raises band funds.


Alastair Wilder has been a band member for many years. A former Royal Marine. Alastair works away for long periods in his new job.



My daughter Olivia has now left the band, as she is studying for her music degree at City University,  London.  She was taught by a band member Piper Roy Parker - now residing in New Zealand. 

Ian McLennan 12 December 2001


Harry Suffell Memorial Trophy: Young Drummer of the Year 2001

Toby Daniels



Band Picture - Military Parade

Tattoo 1997

Tattoo 1998

Music Content - Tattoo'98

Narrative - Tattoo '98

Piper/Drummer Info

What is going on at the moment

Tattoo '97 Acknowledgements

Hot News for Wessex Tattoo 1999

The Scottish Tattoo


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