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Robert the Bruce

My lords & ladies. Our story is about freedom alone which no honest man gives up but with life itself. Such a man is William Wallace the greatest of all Scottish heroes.

But we begin in Salisbury, England. It is 1289 and the infant Margaret “Maid of Norway” is heir to the Scottish throne after the death of her father Alexander III. A treaty signed here by the Scots, English & Norwegians betrothes Edward Longshanks, son to Margaret but retains Scotland’s right of independence.

Edward “Longshanks”

The unfortunate death of Margaret, “Maid of Norway” put paid to my plan to rule Scotland without waging war. The new claimants John Balliol & Robert Bruce both swore allegiance to me - only for Balliol to sign a treaty with France. It caused me to take my army to Scotland and rid myself of the filth. By the end of 1296 I had Balliol begging forgiveness. The red & gold arms were ripped from his tunic and Scotland became mine. As king, I claimed my right to the Stone of Scone (pronounced Scoone) - the “Stone of Destiny” upon which all Scottish kings are crowned. I have it safe in Westminster Abbey! Not all the Scots have submitted to my will and I am hearing stories of a rebel named William Wallace, who has murdered my Sheriff of Clydesdale and is inciting the Scots to fight again. I will have the Earl of Surrey lead an army to Scotland to put an end to this upstart once and for all.

Turns to band on stage Surrey. I command you to rid me of this man Wallace. Go to it man, make haste - I want his head.

William Wallace

The English killed my wife, they have taken my country and they want my life. I will never submit to an English king and have led my small but loyal band of men to many a victory and laid waste many an English knave! On this, the 11th day of September 1297 I call upon all Scots to join me here in Stirling to teach the English a lesson they will never forget - come now and fight for Scotland!

Massed Pipe Bands march on to Cock of the North.

I am William Wallace.

Piper - William Wallace is 7 feet tall!

Yes, I’ve heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he’d consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightening from his arse. I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men and free men you are. What would you do without freedom? Will ye fight?

Old soldier - No. The English are too many. We will run and we will live!

Aye, fight and you may die, run and you will live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freeeedom.

Pipe Band “army” all chant Freeeedom, Wallace, Wallace, Wallace, Wallace. Then strike up and march into battle!

William Wallace

Our victory today will be known in history as the Battle of Stirling Bridge. By letting the English cavalry ride across the bridge and into the marsh we were able to pick them off with our schiltrons (pronounced Skiltrons). So few at a time were able to cross the bridge that they perished by our sword until no more could cross because of the pile of dead men and horses. You are the “Flower of Scotland”. We must fight on until we rid our country of Longshanks’s army and we have our own king for Scotland and freedom for our people.

Robert the Bruce

Scotland rejoices at this victory and for a further 8 months Sir William Wallace, Guardian of Scotland, leads his men to further successes. He has given the people of Scotland new hope where none was thought possible and sent Edward, the “Hammer of the Scots” home to think again.

Edward “Longshanks”

Two Scots lords tell me that Wallace and his army are camped at Falkirk. I have 12500 battle hardened foot soldiers and 2000 cavalry. On this this 22nd day of July in the year of our lord 1298 I will smash the Scots and rid myself of this man Wallace. He has not faced an army such as this and without any natural defences. I will cut them to ribbons with my Welsh bowmen and then charge them with my cavalry until they are crushed.

Band of Hants. Const. play warlike tunes.

Edward “Longshanks”

It is 1305. Although after my victory at Falkirk Wallace took to the hills, he has at last come out of hiding. Already he has been betrayed by his countryman Sir John de Mentieth and I have him now in the Tower of London. I will have him tortured and if he does not swear allegiance and beg my forgiveness I will have him hung, drawn and quartered. His entrails will be burnt before his dying eyes. His head will be placed above London bridge. The four quarters of his body will be despatched to all parts of the kingdom to serve as a warning to those who dare to cross me Edward king of England, Wales and Scotland.

Robert the Bruce

Although William Wallace died a cruel but brave death at the hands of Edward Longshanks, he never gave in to Edward and proclaimed Scotland’s right to freedom right to his death. His martyrdom enabled me to take up the fight for the crown of Scotland. I now call upon all Scots to unite and let me your rightful king lead you to victory.

Massed Pipes march on to Farewell to the Creeks.

Robert the Bruce

After numerous victories my army lays siege to Stirling Castle and are camped at the Bannockburn. Edward’s army is marching towards us. Let us celebrate our victories and prepare for our greatest battle.”

Highland Dancers 10 mins

Robert the Bruce

(wait for choir to be in place) It is 1314 and this is our greatest battle these are my words to you brave Scottish soldiers”

Choir - Scots wha hae. Choir ends - everyone shouts freedom and pipes strike up.

Robert the Bruce narrates

Following our victory at Bannockburn I became the undisputed King of Scotland and the people of Scotland tasted freedom once again. In 1320 the nobles of Scotland sent a declaration to the pope proclaiming; " long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself." This declaration is known as the "Declaration of Arbroath" and is still cherished today.

William Wallace

- immediately following the Bruce (wait for spot) Aye and 700 years after my victory at Stirling Bridge the people of Scotland were again able to give voice to their quest for freedom - this time by voting to elect a Scottish Parliament - and with the blessing of the British parliament to which we proudly belong.” Freeeeeedom”

Massed pipes/drums march off to “A Hundred Pipers” followed by all remaining.

First half ends.
Why not visit the National Wallace monument during the interval?



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