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InterLink UK
The InterLink UK Network

The Line Up

Our 1998 Tattoo in the City Hall Salisbury, Wiltshire took place on Saturday & Sunday 7 & 8 February 1998. Performers were Ringwood PB, Hampshire Fire & Rescue PB, Pipers from Surrey PB and RBL Melksham PB + Rose & Thistle appeared on the Sunday. The Surrey Pipe Major Roger Huth (One of the country's top pipers) appeared on both days - Many thanks Roger. He opened each evening with some haunting music to create the atmosphere and also dis a solo within the show. The military band was the Band of the Hampshire Constabulary. An excellent band who base themselves on the style of the Royal Marines. Their leader is an ex Royal Marine - Len Lewry. The roles of Longshanks, Wallace & Bruce were taken by Thesbians: Kevin Knight, Ray Virr & John Scott. My thanks to them.
Also appearing were the Orchard School of Highland Dancers and the Scottish Country Dancers from Salisbury and Bournemouth Caledonians. The A Capella Choir of South Wilts Grammar Scool completed the line up.
They have their own CD and also perform at the best known cathedrals including St.Pauls.
They were singing in St.Pauls when the news of Diana Princess Of Wales death became known. They changed their programme and were given great credit for their immediate response under such emotional circumstances.
We are proud that they agreed to share their voices with us.


It is 700 years since William Wallace won the battle of Stirling Bridge. Yes, I know it's 1297 but we used artistic licence to look back a year! Our Tattoo was, therfore a "Braveheart Special" and covers the period from the late 13th century through to the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320. We then bring ourselves to present times by referring to the 1997 vote by the people of Scotland to again have their own parliament. William Wallace, Robert the Bruce & Edward Longshanks speeches are contained within our "Narrative" page within our site, if you are interested. It is my favourite period of Scottish history.

One thing I found out during my research is that a treaty was signed here in SALISBURY by England, Scotland & Norway agreeing to marry the future Edward II to the Maid of Norway who was heir to the Scottish throne. This was designed to have a peaceful outcome to matters and secure the continuing line of Scottish independent monarchs. Unfortunately, she drowned on her trip to Scotland and the rest , as they say, is history!


At only £6 included a free 28 page full colour souvenir programme. Local advertisers and sponsorship from Waitrose Supermarkets have enabled us to fund our programme. It helped us to promote the performers, Scottish culture and history to everyone who attended. 8 October 1998.



Band Picture - Military Parade

Tattoo 1997

Tattoo 1998

Narrative - Tattoo '98

Music Content - Tattoo'98

Piper/Drummer Info

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Tattoo '97 Acknowledgements

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