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Wessex Tattoo 2000

The world premiere of

"The Maclennium, Scotland's thousand years"

Our Tattoo once again wowed the packed audience on both evenings in February.  This was the premiere of the script that went on to the Royal Albert Hall and was the first time that the Tattoo had been scripted throughout.  The audience loved it and the following report was printed in the Salisbury Entertainment Journal:

You don't have to be Scottish to feel the power of what has become an annual highlight in Salisbury, the Wessex Tattoo.  The excellent music and he special atmosphere add up to a thoroughly enjoyable evening, so good I was in tears with the emotion of it all.

The mass of performers as the story of 1000 years of Scottish history unfolded was impressive and powerful.

But it was a wee boy dancing with such skill and pleasure, a drummer girl deep in her music and the evocative solo piper playing Amazing Grace who had made the deepest impression on me.

Wessex Tattoo is always brilliant but this year's was the best yet.

Jenny Boyce.


The script and the story in sound and pictures of the Scottish Tattoo at The RAH can all be found on website.

The revised date for the 2001 Wessex Tattoo are Saturday/Sunday 4-5 February 



Band Picture - Military Parade

Tattoo 1997

Tattoo 1998

Music Content - Tattoo'98

Narrative - Tattoo '98

Piper/Drummer Info

What is going on at the moment

Tattoo '97 Acknowledgements

Band Contacts

Wessex Tattoo 1999 

Wessex Tattoo 2000 "The Maclennium" 

Royal Albert Hall Listings & Information

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