The Buffy The Vampire Slayer Archive

Welcome to the Buffy section of Squall's Fanfiction Archive! Due to some sort of online gaffe, I had to completely redo this section offline, since it mysteriously kept on getting erased... Thank Joss that I backed everything up on my hard drive!

Anyways, send your fics to me at Please include a description, rating, yada yada yada. You know the drill.

Stories by Chris


--Rated R to NC-17. Set during what could be the 7th and final season of Buffy. If I told you any more, I'd probably spoil the story, so go and read it!

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

Stories by Fernando

Lost Thoughts

--Rated PG. Some thoughts from Faith during Consequences.

Stories by Kirayoshi

The Dying of the Light

--Rated PG to PG-13. The first part in Kirayoshi's massive epic storyline. One year into the future, the Hellmouth is wide open and the vampires have taken over the Earth. A maimed Buffy travels back through time to stop the unholy bargain which was responsible for her world's destruction, and help her younger self face the truth about her feelings for Willow. (contains Buffy/Willow slashy goodness)

Chapters 1 and 2 Chapters 3 and 4 Chapters 5 and 6 Chapter 7 and Epilogue

I'll Stand By You

--Rated PG. The sequel to the Dying of the Light. Buffy stands by her beloved when Willow confronts her parents about her alternative lifestyle(and I don’t just mean her loving Buffy). (contains Buffy/Willow slashy goodness)

Brush up Your Shakespeare

--Rated PG. When the gang help Willow out with her drama class project, "All the world's a stage" for romantic escapades between a slayer and a wiccan. (contains Buffy/Willow slashy goodness)

Funeral For A Friend

--Rated PG. Set five years after Season Four; a final message from a friend changes Buffy’s relationship with Willow. (contains Buffy/Willow slashy goodness)

Stories by Laka

Commando in a Milk Carton

--Rated PG-13 to mild R. Riley gets his fortune read. Bad things happen.

Mission Impossible

--Rated PG-13. Riley-bashing. Charachter death. I wonder who...

When the Getting's Good... Slug Him!

--Rated PG-13 to R. Violence. Death. Shovels. Strenuous Riley-bashing.

Wildest Times

--Rated PG-13. The convienient death of Riley Finn.

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