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[The K'runn]

[The Secssion]

[The Ronann]

[The Consortium]






[Hostile Groups]

 The Ronann

The Ronaan are not technically hostile to the Imperium. They are far too technologically backwards to be a threat. They are included in this section as a large portion of their population is unaware of the existence of the existence of the Imperium. They only achieved orbital space flight in the last seventy years. Their government represses the development of its subjects by the use of a form of religious fundamentalism. Their society is categorized by the Imperium as a Religious feudalism. The influence of the Imperium has, for the most part, been influencing their society to a more rational view. Only the upper echelons of their government is aware of the Imperium, and they are keen to preserve their independence from what they see a hegemonisation.

There is an ISA gunship in their home system at all times, which operates as a base for a large monitoring operation. The Ronann have had an ambassador to the imperium, for some time, with City ships occasionally changing the ambassador.