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For anyone wanting to play a NEW person, not the real characters. If you are playing a real character like Graveheart or Cryos, you don't need to do any of this.

Name of character

Age of character - Make sure you know how to play your character's age.

Species - If from a new planet.

Home Planet - If a new planet, please include a basic overview on their culture, history, etc.

Description - Male/female, personality, physical structure and things like scars, etc.

Background - Here's the fun part! What has happened to your character up until now? Why are they the way they are?

Objectives - What is your character wanting to do with his or her life?

Miscellaneous - Other interesting bits and pieces. Please include some weakness, or quirk that others can work off of.  Remember, no one is perfect! :)

Now that you're finished, email it to the webmaster or moderator so you can be approved...


If you have any problems, requests or suggestions, contact the webmaster here, or subscribe to the Yahoo! Group where all the action is here.