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Story Guide

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Unfortunately, due to little activity on the rpg, this story guide is very vague (I'm working off what I remember...). Hopefully this will improve when the game starts rolling again!

Planet Bone

(Generally, this is where all the bad guys are. Theres new threats to the Alliance brewing here, not including the Beast. Jewelia, Travertine, and sdfsasdf are starting ‘The Movement’… I’m still not quite sure what it does, but it’s bad lol.)

Jewelia, Abyss Jewelia, after escaping from Rocks prison with Travertine and others, has slipped out of Travertine’s view to ‘explore’ Bone. She accidentally runs into Abyss, who is also exploring. At the moment they’re sizing each other up… Will these two form an alliance of their own? (Dun, dun, DUN! Oh yeah, Abyss is currently blind, but her sight is returning)

Travertine, Jasper – Travertine is angry that Jewelia has disappeared and takes it out on Jasper (???). He then goes looking for her…

Pyrus – Has just landed on Bone and is searching for Femur

Femur, Pelvus, Sternum – Have no idea!!!! The last I heard of Sternum, he was walking the corridors or something. Jewelia almost ran into him I think, but he didn’t see her **Shrug**

Planet Rock

Frost Held prisoner in Rocks detention cells for deliberating crashing a bladewing that was carrying Zera into a battlemoon. Tekla and Voxx found evidence that he is in liege with someone else

Jade, Graveheart, Cryos, Tekla, Spinel Having a meeting (like usual lol) about the recent transmission failure to Bone and the possibility of a network (ie the Movement) causing the trouble. They had the suggestion of sending Pyrus there to see if he can snoop around and find out whats happening. They also employ Spinel to see if she can find out anything. All of them have a really, really bad feeling that Jewelia and co may have already taken over Bone.

Zera In the infirmary, recovering from her ordeal.

Space (?)

Agate doing the captain of the guard thing I suppose. Hes been ordered by Jade to pick up some Quarriors and head to Bone to give Pyrus backup.

Planet Lightening

Voltage - Intro to this new character. It looks like Planet Lightening has a well known visitor...