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Alliance, The When two or more parties join each other. In this case, the people of Ice, Rock, Bone, and Fire (and Sand) allied against the Beast Planet.
Anvilla The ancient capital city of Planet Rock.

See also: Rock, Quarrior

Armada (Grimm Armada) These vast ships help guide the Beast Planet on its path of destruction. Once the Beast Planet’s target is established, the cruisers set off to colonize neighbouring worlds, creating a network of worm hole entry ports which allows entry of infinite Tachyon Marauder squadrons.

See also: Drone Ship, Beast Planet, Null matter, Beast Drone

Arrowhead The main line of aerial defence for Planet Rock is the Arrowhead assault vehicle, a lumbering craft that looks streamlined yet impossibly heavy to fly. The Arrowhead delivers up to a dozen troops to the battlefield, and also functions as a formidable line of air defence during enemy engagements. Armaments include nose and tail quartz cannons and a top-mounted sonic cannon. The Arrowhead's enormous Vertical Take Off and Landing (V/TOL) engines can swivel during flight to provide better manoeuvrability and improved stability while hovering. The fighter is extremely well armoured, and can take many direct impacts from enemy munitions with minimal effects to performance.

See also: Quarrior, Rock

Aurora, The The Aurora is the flagship of Planet Ice's deep space carrier fleet. Containing 23 Blade Wing fighters within its two launch bays, the Aurora can unleash a massive aerial invasion force from deep space with little warning. A crew of 200 tends to the maintenance of the Aurora's fighter group and also man the massive gun and missile batteries that encircle the carrier. An enormous tactical advantage for the Aurora carrier class is the ability to land on planetary surfaces to mount ground campaigns. By rotating it's 6 massive Cold Fusion Thruster Columns from a horizontal to a vertical position, the Aurora can safely land and deliver its Bladewing and Ice Mite Tank forces deep within enemy lines.

See also: Bladewing, Ice Mite, Ice

Avalanche Name for the savage wave offensive attacks by Glacial forces.

See also: Glacial Trooper

B7 Sector where Pyrus and Zera's Bladewing was headed before crash landing on Remora.
Battle Moon Planet Rocks main source of defence. 5 small moons, plated with armour and cannons. Their main weapon is a huge laser, which can destroy most objects with one blast.

See also: Rock, Fire, Remora

Beast Drones These relentless automatons from the Beast Planet are composed of solid null-matter. The only way to destroy a Beast Drone is to damage the null-matter containment unit that allows them to maintain their presence in this dimension. When their containment units are damaged, the Beast Drones instantly implode. The Beast Drones will eliminate any opposition they face by ferocious attacks and ultimately by endless numbers. Their weapons are integral components of their bodies, and cannot be utilized by anyone else. Anything touched or attacked by a Beast Drone is instantly blasted to another dimension contained within the Beast Planet.

See also: Beast Planet, Null Matter, Containment Unit

Beast Planet To the countless worlds who perished defending their lives, the mighty Beast Planet was only a myth, a bedtime tale told to frighten unruly children. Never seen until it is too late, every neighbouring world tells its own tales as to the dead worlds left in the wake of the Beast Planet. Most systems are unaware that nothing can divert the Beast Planet from its unrelenting path of destruction. The Beast Planet's greatest weapon is the huge World Claw that protrudes from the centre of the planet and pulls hapless worlds into its central core. It is a huge black, metallic planet, and is served by beings made out of Null Matter.

See also: World Claw, Beast Drone, Blokk, Lamprey, Voyd, Armada

Bladewing (Ice Skiff) The Ice Skiff is Planet Ice's instrument of choice for air assaults and quick-strike missions. Although built primarily for speed, it can deliver a mighty punch with its Freon-based weapon systems. A massive rear mounted cold fusion reactor gives the Ice Skiff enough power to plough through any space or atmospheric environment with ease. Its quick speed also allows it to act as an excellent reconnaissance vehicle, obtaining valuable information about enemy activity.

See also:  Ice, Aurora

Blaster Bone hand weapon
Blaze Fire's Captain of the Guard.


Blokk, the Beast Planet's second field commander, is a relentless force for destruction and devastation. Where Lamprey would prefer to divide and conquer, Blokk wants to go straight for the throat, launching distant and savage attacks against the Planet Cluster with his seemingly endless armies of Beast Drones. It is only the imposing presence of Voyd that prevents him from totally annihilating everything in the Planet Cluster. It was he who invented the Beast Drones. He dies in a battle against Graveheart.

See also: Beast Planet, Beast Drone, Voyd, Lamprey

Bone Food is scarce on all the worlds but the common nutrients they all need for survival can be found in abundance on Planet Bone. It would not be obvious how rich the planet is in nutrients by examining it's surface, which bears more resemble to a graveyard than a life sustaining resource. The source of these valuable nutrients is an unpleasant, gooey moss called 'lichen' that completely covers the planet's exterior. The terrain consists mostly of plains occasionally broken up by scattered buttes and plateaus that eerily resemble skeletal remains. The inhabitants of Bone have a dragon-like appearance and live in a semi-feudal society, ruled by a supreme and crass Emperor.

See also: Femur, Pelvus, Sternum, Sternum Warrior, Bone Fighter, Lichen, Clavicle, Canolie

Bone Fighter (Carapace) Like most of Planet Bone's technology, the Carapace fighter is a bio-engineered technological oddity. The craft is a living machine that needs to be healed rather than repaired when damaged. Its frilled wing surfaces bend and twist, providing the Carapace with more agility than any fighter in the Planet Cluster. Another unusual feature is that through continued use, the fighter actually becomes stronger and more agile, making veteran Carapace fighters a tough lot indeed. Carapace fighter pilots are trained and matched to specific ships from the moment they enter the Air Academy. This long-term relationship creates a symbiotic pilot/machine link that more than one Bone pilot acknowledges in saving their tailbone!

See also: Bone, Sternum Warrior

Borealis, The The Lady Zera's personal Bladewing.

See also: Zera, Baldewing

Canolie A maggot-like animal which is considered a delicacy on Planet Bone.

See also: Bone

Clavicle The Clavicle is the glorious Grand Prize of any emperor that has successfully taken over the Throne of Planet Bone. Constructed in Bone's traditional and unique bio-engineered manner, this massive vessel is aware of its environment and can react to it accordingly. It has been known to flinch when fired upon and even expresses emotions that resemble anger, excitement, and fear. Depending on the threat posed by an adversary, the Clavicle might be disposed to get "angry" and instigate an attack, or panic and quickly flee the area. Remarkably adaptive, the Clavicle can acclimate itself to foreign planetary atmospheres quite easily where it behaves more like a dirigible, expanding itself like an enormous lung to 'breathe in' the surrounding atmosphere.

See also: Bone, Femur, Bone Fighter

Cobalt A type of Rock. Also a class name of Quarriors. Jade is part of this Quarrior Class.
Com/Comm Communication device present on Planets and ships.
Computer Computer for World Engines; Artificial intelligence that can detect null matter and understand what people say.

See also: World Engine, Telepod

Concussion Pistol A hand-held version of the Concussion Riffle. It is smaller, and can be fastened to a person's hip.
Concussion Riffle A rock weapon used mainly by Quarriors. It has three settings, and is more used than any other weapon by the people of Rock.

See also: Quarrior

Containment Unit The device which allows a Beast Drone to stay stable when outside of the Beast Planet. If damaged, the Drone will be destroyed.

See also: Beast Drone, Drone Ship

CRPR CRPR's (Combat Ready Processing Rigs) are the lifeblood of Planet Rock's recovery missions to neighbouring planets. A single CRPR unit can house all the men, equipment, and storage needed to forcibly acquire and retrieve desperately needed raw materials to Planet Rock. The task of the CRPR is threefold: 1) to deliver Quarriors to resource rich areas; 2) to gather the raw resources quickly; 3) to bring them all home safely. Essentially a slow moving armoured transport, the 60 foot tall CRPR is endowed with highly effective weapons systems that more than adequately protect it and its cargo. Four quartz projectile cannons are mounted on a rotating turret, providing solid fire power in all directions, while side-mounted canons provide protection from fast moving ground vehicles and personnel

See also: Lodestone

Cryos King Cryos is a brilliant tactician who realizes that his home world's only chance against the Beast Planet is in creating an alliance between all the planets in the Planet Cluster. Thus, he is the first ruler to commit his world to the Alliance. Deep in his heart the King of Ice is tired of war and wishes for peace to succeed. He will do whatever it takes to make that a reality. He is a gracious and beloved ruler, as well as loving and concerned father. He once abdicated his throne when he put his daughter before his people, but his people missed him and he was soon restored to his rightful place.

See also: Ice, Zera

Data Crystal Rock crystal that contains all the access codes to the Alliance’s defence systems. Graveheart and Jade each processed one, and Jade betrayed the Alliance by giving it to Lord Mantel. This ultimately caused Mantel’s death.

See also: Mantel, Jade

Deep Freeze, The The Deep Freeze is an orbital tactical supply station that services and re-arms Bladewing fighter squadrons during battle. A large sensor array on the ship's midsection allows it to detect and monitor enemy squadron positions to provide pilot tactical support during battle.

See also: Bladewing

Drone Ship (Tachyon Marauder) Comprising the bulk of the Beast Planet's infinite invasion force, Tachyon Marauders are deadly and effective harbingers of doom. Drone Fighters are composed of solid null-matter and utilize the same null-matter containment units as the beast drones. This is the Achilles heel of an otherwise flawless design. Weaponry consists of 'event-horizon' projectiles, which upon impact literally blast their target into another dimension.

See also: Null Matter, Beast Drone, Beast Planet, Containment Unit

Energy Trail The world engines leave these trails in space, and can be tracked. The null version of Planet Fire followed the Alliance's energy trails and was able to catch up with them.

See also: World Engine

Feldzpar The name of one of the Military Captains of Planet Rock. He was destroyed by Blokk.
Femur Femur's arrogant, wheedling, and manipulative nature hardly befits his status as Emperor of the Imperial Bone Empire. Yet, Femur is a fitting ruler for a planet where the most cunningly manipulative and deceiving individuals procure royalty status. Despite having Femur as their leader, the people of Bone are known for their bravery and ferocity in battle. Weak willed, and blindly arrogant, Femur looks for whatever options will best benefit him personally. His trust is constantly tested by the alliance, however he can be incredibly persuasive at times, unfortunately, it is usually for selfish reasons. He has a brother named Sternum, who was the previous Emperor until Femur sent him the the Prison Planet.

See also: Bone, Sternum, Pelvus, Prison Planet

Fire Home planet to beings made of fire. Planet Fire holds a significant source of energy that is often raided and harnessed by all worlds of the Planet Cluster. Cities resembling gigantic cauldrons cap the openings of the numerous volcanoes found on the surface. The people of Planet Fire harness and control the planet's vast energy resources through dam-like structures attached to volcanic flows. A thin crust that gives way to spontaneous lava eruptions covers the entire surface of the planet. To cope with the blazing and scalding world, its inhabitants are capable of liquefying in ultra-extreme temperatures. It is closet planet in the Cluster to the sun.

Planet Fire was sadly consumed by the Beast, and all the inhabitants were transported to one of Rocks Battle-Moons. Later, the Beast set a trap for the Alliance by producing a 'Null Planet Fire'. Luckily, the Alliance found out before anything drastic happened.

See also: Pyrus, Vizier, Igneous Knight, Flame Weed (?), Transport

Fire Cage (?) Criminals on Fire are placed into this cage to be executed. The cage is then pushed into a lava flow. Jade was once falsely accused of murder and almost met her fate in this.

See also: Fire

Flame Lance Weapon of Igneous Knights.

See also: Igneous Knights

Force Field Generator Device Tekla constructed that allowed people to touch null-matter. It produces some sort of force field over the body, and is strapped to the thigh.

See also: Null Matter

Foundation of the Soul The new ruler of Rock must undergo this test of leadership to make sure he/she is able enough. Inside the chamber, they must face their demons and survive, or be destroyed.

See also: Jade, Rock, Mantel

Freon based Grenades Grenades used by Glacial Troopers.

See also: Glacial Troopers

Fuel Residue Trail Ships leave these trails over space, and they can be tracked. The Aurora managed to find Pyrus and Zera on Remora using these trails.

See Also: Remora

Game Room A room in 'The Moon Over Mayhem'. One of the games that can be played there is something similar to pool, only with fixed obstacles on the pool table.

See also: Moon Over Mayhem

Glacial Assault rifle Weapon used by Glacial Troopers

See also: Glacial Troopers

Glacial Trooper The elite Glacial Troopers are superbly trained in battle tactics and are hand chosen for their strength, intelligence, and leadership abilities. Notorious for their savage offensive attacks, Glacial forces, led by their Ice Mite Tank Battalions, attack in massive waves of lightning quick strikes. Known as 'Avalanches', these strikes have a devastating effect on anything that gets in their path. Acting ferociously as a group, Glacial Troopers are just as effective as individuals. Each trooper is equipped with a Freon-based weapon system that features the chillingly accurate Glacial Assault rifle. A single soldier can unleash a flurry of Freon based Grenades on an enemy by using all four of its arms to "lock, load, and launch!" The second set of arms also make them extremely deadly during hand to hand combat, a situation most opponents wouldn't want to face.

See also: Ice

Golden Jubilation, The Not much is known about this. Apparently, it was the last chance at peace in the Cluster before the Beast came.
Granite A type of rock. Also the name of a Miner class. Graveheart is a part of the Granite Class
Graveheart Graveheart is the charismatic miner who aims to unite the warring planets against the oncoming Beast Planet. Loyal, noble, and fiercely courageous, Graveheart is a natural leader, whose sense of right and wrong is only exceeded by his sense of honor. An able warrior, he turns to war only as a final option. Graveheart would never commit anyone to a task that he would not do himself. In the most dangerous situations, he is always the first one in and the last one out. The success of the alliance rests on his shoulders, a responsibility he bears with great honor and loyalty, and has already cost him banishment form his home world.

See also: Rock

Great Glacier, The What people of Ice swear to; their God; "By the Glacier!"