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What is SR RPG?

SR RPG is an interactive fan fic, where one person controls a character and writes what they do. Other people make their own characters respond to that. There is no such thing as stats, just pure writing.

Where Can I Start?

If you're new, you can either start your own thread, or join someone else's. Make your character 'accidentally' bump into another...

How Do I Start?

In order to start playing, you first need to have a character. Once you have submitted your character to the webmaster and have been approved, you need to join the Yahoo! Group where the game takes place. Make sure your message has a title of where you are, and maybe a little caption. An example could be -  Space: Drifting or Battle-moon: Trouble Brewing. For your first ever message, it could be Planet Ice: Enter Cryos.

What are NPC's?

Non-Player Characters are exactly what they mean - they are characters, but ones that aren't controlled by anyone. You yourself can control NPC's, such as the bartender at the Moon Over Mayhem, or a warrior of some sort. The Beast Lieutenant Bayon is an NPC.

Who, and what, are the Council?

The Council are the people running the RPG, and they are there to guide you. If, for example, you and another player start arguing about how something is supposed to happen, the Council can step in and make an overruling decision. In this way, we can keep some sort of order. You can also send proposals to them on how to improve the RPG. There are two people on the Council at the moment - Michelle and YashaRei.

As a ruler of a planet, do I have command of the armies and ships?

In a way, yes, you are in charge. Of course, if there are any original characters that are warriors or whatever, you cannot control them (see rules on not controlling other people’s characters). Also, you have to be very careful and intelligent in directing your vast armies. For example, you can’t declare war on another planet (unless there’s a VERY good reason and the Council approves) or some other ridiculous move that will upset other players. Be sensible!

What is all this OOC and IC business?

OOC (Out Of Character) messages are for when you want to say something as you, not your character. Either put them in the title, or in the email. Please keep these as a minimum, as they clog up the list. If you really have to write OOC messages, add them onto your normal messages. If you've done that, make sure you say IC (In Character) when you switch back into role-playing. Messages without OOC add-ons don't need IC. (I hope that all made sense).

What Happens if I'm Going to be Away for a Little While?

If you're going to be away for a few days or weeks, or you're having computer troubles, etc, you should let the people you're interacting with know if possible. A simple OOC message could be sent on the list, or email them off the list.