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Ice Planet Ice second furthest planet from the Cluster sun and is a world carved out of glaciers from oceans long ago frozen. Since it is the only source of pure water in the Planet Cluster, Planet Ice is subject to constant raids by the other Planets. The constant attacks on Planet Ice make its inhabitants extremely wary of visitors. Planet Ice's armies can break down into molecular machines and travel via an icy Nanonyte Fog. This fog surrounds unsuspecting raiders, and then solidifies to attack. The people of Ice are insect-like, with two legs and four arms, two which fold against their back when not in use.

See also: Ice Flea, Ice Mite, Ice Lice, Ice Spider, Cryos, Zera, Nanonytes

Ice Flea Although not capable of sight, an Ice Flea will seldom miss its mark due to guidance provided by a top mounted cannon. As 'heat signatures' are acquired, the heat-seeking cannon directs the blind beasts to a target by pulling a bit attached the Flea's mouth. Ice Fleas are comprised of Nanonites, microscopic working machines that are exclusive to Planet Ice. These tiny machines have the ability to create much larger forms when linked together. Because they are microscopic, Nanonites have the added ability to travel undetected through the air as a mist, called the Nanonyte Fog. Through this medium they can travel quickly and secretly reform as Ice Fleas, taking the enemy by surprise. They also use them to freeze their prey. When tame, these animals are used by the Ice Army as a weapon.

See also: Ice

Ice Lice A common pest of Planet Ice, and was tested as a food source. All eggs must be removed before consumption.

See also: Ice

Ice Mite Ice Mites are the main ground assault vehicles of Planet Ice. They are formidable weapons of war, extremely agile and adept in a variety of environments. Ice Mites can sprint through open fields, climb crevasses, leap across open chasms, and even float on water. As an integral part of Planet Ice's notorious 'Avalanche' attacks, Mites form a spherical armoured shell and roll down hillsides at breathtaking speeds, pouncing on enemies with savage fury. They are also insulated to take heavy damage.

See also: Ice, Aurora

Ice Spider An endangered species on Planet Ice.

See also: Ice

Igneous Knight Reflecting the leadership of their young Prince, the Igneous Knights of Planet Fire are a rugged and hot-headed group. Despite their fiery disposition, they are extremely loyal to their home world and willing to lay their lives on the line to preserve its sovereignty. The Knights' unique armour is a combination of precious metals and igneous rock, endowed with the ability to repair itself from damage simply by being submerged into a lava source. Their dangerous flame lances are the Knights' main offensive weapons, used as brutal lances in hand to hand combat and as flame throwers in medium range conflicts.

See also: Flame Lance, Pyrus, Fire, Inferno Fighter

Inferno, The What people of Fire swear to; their God; "By the Inferno!"
Inferno Fighter Capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions, the Inferno is a deadly multi-role fighter. The fighters are made from super-light and extremely strong metallic alloys that allow for nimble manoeuvres during combat. The light weight also allows the craft a small and powerful engine that is powered by Volcanic Alloy, a hard to find and incredibly heavy heat source. During launch, the craft's wing flaps open to capture hot air drafts (either from natural vents or from carriers), which instantly catapult the fighter into action. The ship and pilot stand vertically during combat, echoing the tradition of the Igneous Knights as they rode their assault chariots into battle.

See also: Igneous Knight, Fire

"Insect" Curse name for anyone from Ice
J'accuse Name of an episode; French for "I accuse you".
Jade Jade is grim, tough, and as hard as granite. A commander in the Planet Rock military, Jade is Graveheart's childhood best friend. She is terse, to the point, and has no patience for foolishness or cowardice. Jade abandoned her commission in the Planet Rock military to accompany Graveheart on his mission to unite the Planet Cluster. While she didn't necessarily believe in his cause initially, she absolutely believes in Graveheart, and has come along to ensure his safety and success. After the death of Mantel, she becomes the new ruler of Rock.

See also: Rock, Data Crystal, Mantel

Jewelia The sworn enemy of Sternum. She rules the other half of what remains of the Prison Planet. Her home planet is unknown, although there is reason to believe she comes from a crystal planet.

See also: Prison Planet, Sternum

Jungle The Jungle planet is a seemingly uninhabited world, until it is discovered that the plant life has evolved into a unified consciousness. This planet sacrificed itself in the Alliance's cause - by becoming a huge bomb that would explode once the Beast consumed it. Sadly, the explosion had no effect. All that's left of the planet is a clipping, cared for by Femur, so that the Jungle planet's spirit may live on.

See also: Beast Planet

Lamprey Lamprey is the first of the two field commanders for the Beast Planet's advance forces. She has only one purpose, to divide and conquer by any means necessary. Using her wraith-like abilities, she helps serve the Beast Planet's cause by trying to destroy the Alliance from within.

See also: Beast Planet, Voyd, Blokk

Lava Dog Lava Dogs are ferocious reptilian creatures that live in subterranean lava tubes and volcanic caverns. These indigenous animals have adapted to the lava flows and use them as extremely bountiful hunting grounds as well as routes for transportation to and from volcanic formations. Lava Dogs get their name from the loud bark they emit while hunting. They almost always travel in pairs and are impossible to train or domesticate. These fiery creatures have a bark as savage as their bite.

They can suddenly appear to anyone taking the Trial by Fire.

See also: Fire, Trial by Fire

"Lava Head" Curse name for anyone from Fire; Zera calls Pyrus this sometimes
Lichen A mould-like food source that grows on Bone.

See also: Bone

Lift Thrusters The device responsible for giving a ship it's ability to move.
Lodestone, The Belonging to the Tectonic carrier class, the Lodestone is Planet Rock's flagship troop and equipment carrier. A fully loaded Tectonic class carrier can hold up to a 100 Quarriors, 6 CRPR units, and 12 MULE Dozers. Like the rest of Planet Rock's arsenal, the Lodestone isn't built for speed, but for absolute strength and resilience. Extremely well shielded against enemy attack, these carriers can take a supreme amount of abuse before showing any signs of damage. The Lodestone can set down on planetary surfaces to unload its powerful invasion force.

See also: Quarrior, CRPR, MULE, Rock, Miner

Mantel Gruff, arrogant, and stubborn, Lord Mantel sits like a rock on his throne and rarely, if ever, leaves it. Supremely confident in the power of his planet's battle-moons, Mantel has no interest in offering any help from Rock to the Alliance. Mantel feels that his battle-moons can handle anything that is thrown at them and that the Alliance would take his troops for granite. Arrogant and stubborn. He is killed in a battle against Blokk.

See also: Rock, Blokk, Battle-Moons

Mica Gravehearts' late brother (?). A Quarrior; he perished while on a raiding mission to Planet Fire.

See also: Graveheart, Quarrior

Miner Miners do the raiding of other worlds for Planet Rock. They are closely guarded by Quarriors during a raid. Graveheart was one until the Alliance was formed.

See also: Quarrior, Graveheart

Mineral Water A Rock drink served at the Moon Over Mayhem.

See also: Moon Over Mayhem

Moon Over Mayhem “Toughest place in all the Alliance.” Tavern on one of the Battle-moons that Jade frequently visits (and destroys!)
MULE MULE (Multi Utility Loading Excavators) Dozers are primarily used for the harvesting and mining of raw materials for Planet Rock. Equipped with sonic and quartz cannons, laser blasting tools, and diamond drilling rigs, there is little that can't be dissected by a MULE Dozer. Its potent harvesting equipment also makes the MULE a lethal force on the battlefield, where it acts as the front line muscle, supporting ground operations. An excellent all-round workhorse, the MULE is the backbone of Planet Rock's defence corps. Its modular design allows it to be retrofitted to provide much needed minesweeping and construction functions as well.

See also: Lodestone