We got hosted, which means, updates on here will be scarce. We are moving the site over to the new DOMAIN...and when you see it, it will have a new name and layout. Also, we will be moving most if not all of the content we have on here now over. Unless we see something that isn't needed. Thanks for being patient. If you want to talk to us about the process add us to your
MSN Messenger: often_imitated@hotmail.com
Yahoo! Messenger: jamie_0_2 or annie_21_03
AOL Messenger: do i stutter or fracky 33


Welcome to OIND. Here's whats been updated, and whats NEW!

Now, the tour will restart on August 24th in Milwaukee because they think AJ needs a 2 week transition phase. Good for them.
Backstreet Boys were on TRL today (7/09/01) and they announced the rest of the tour is postponed and will resume August 7th because they checked AJ into rehab for alcoholism and depression for 30 days to start with. If he needs more then they will re-evaluate it then. I guess we'll all have to wait and see. They were all pretty choked up.. I'm sure it was REAL hard. Nick didn't say a word..he looked SO worried. Anyway, we wish them all the best and hope AJ comes back when expected...
hear us aj: we're singing your song-we want you to be happy too
Click here to post your thoughts on the issue!


Attention ALL Teenies: this issue with Willa needs to be addressed...she is controversial. That's what makes her so damn appealing. Something different for a change. Don't hate because of rumors, OR because she dated Nick. Please if you're gonna hate, have a damn good reason. Our thoughts on Willa are here ---->Controversial Willa


You will never believe it...Backstreet Mosts are DONE! Here are the Results
New Section:Personal Ads.

I added more Random Thoughts.

2 Articles added.
First is an article talking about the BSB's new album. The second is info on Denise Mclean being on 20/20 tomorrow night.
OH by the way, AJ is out of rehab.
He was spotted at the American Pie Premiere. Man, am I glad to hear that. Keep repeating this to yourself though *Transition phase, transition phase*
We have 2 new Experts.
One new Winner of our award. THANKS!

Alright, we have gotten many questions about our layout. NO we did not make this one, Nicole did. Props to her. We are getting a new layout, new name ..everything when we actually move our site to where it is going to be hosted. *hopefully soon* We will have our OWN domain and ...stuff like that. Thanks to a friend of ours. Oh what else, I am trying to learn how to make cool layouts...bare with me. Our first one will probably be done for us. Hey...I don't have time to update AND make a new layout just yet...im working on it.. I work 7 days a week most of the time thanks..*not trying to be a bitch, just stating a fact.

2 new Chapters of 'The Way We Were'
Hey, this is Annie, I added two new chapters of Anna's fic! Its gettin pretty good! I just got done watching the movie "Head Over Heels" with Freddie Prinze Jr, and may I say: DAYUM that boy is fine!! *lol* Okay, enjoy the fic!

Still working on that Nick award.
We have a new Sistersite Check it out.!

Jamie=idiot. I was looking at our awards today and noticed on the nick award... I spelled answers like this: answeres. I am making a new award..no need to reapply.. it'll change by itself. Sorry guys!

Chapter 5 of the 'Way We Were'
HEY!! This is Annie, and I just put up Chapter 5 of Anna's fanfic "The Way We Were". Its getting good, I am starting to wonder whats going to happen since Anna is mean and won't tell me! Go check it out, and enjoy!!

New AJ response to read it.
1 new Article
It's entitled: Record Companies Gone Wrong?-about the record sales being tampered with. Naughty Naughty!
We won Site of The Month from Simply Backstreet.
We have a new winner of our award-Brian Littrell-The One and OnlyThanks to everyone.

We have a new SisterSite
We're going to have 2 new sections coming up very soon. Backstreet Mosts are being tallied up and should be up the 6th of this month. Yes this year too lmao sorry it has taken so long. No updates yesterday because I was at a funeral.

Hi, this is Annie... I was thinking tonight, and I sortof got an idea, I still need to run it by Jamie though. Who hear reads J-14 Magazine.. its like that, where Jamie and I would put 3 different pictures on a page, and you would "pick the winning look" and after you do that, we say how fans liked the style best: For example: spiky hair looks better than glasses or a hat, stuff like that. So I will run it by Jamie, and hopefully sometime soon, we will have a new page!! Thanks! Oh- By the way- I talked to Anna on messenger today, she just finished a chapter for The Way We Were, and more are on the way, but the chapter should be up tomorrow! Thanks!!!

New AJ response.
A new speakout response. :) thanks!

New top ten lists.
Added a page called Did you know?.
A new dream response.
I updated my Random Thoughts. More updates later..

Wanna vote for us for one of the favorite BSB Sites in J-14 magazine? PLEASE do..---->here. Wanna send info into a BSB Scrapbook being GIVEN DIRECTLY to the boys? Go here--->BSB Black and Blue