Each picture links to a story on ShanT's web...

Cartoons by Jet de Wilde

Poppen dokter - Doll doctor Shop in Amsterdam

The Hague - an empty city

Decor building   Decor bouw

ShanT and Mary...

Art photography  -  Fotografie

Frigge Timmerwerken Den Haag. - kinderkamer

Tarot by Sona.     Tarot kaarten van Sona.

Hand made cotton paper factory India  -  Hand geschept katoen papier India.

Statues The Hague  -  Beeldentuin Lange Voorhout Den Haag

Ardennen kanoeing  -  Ardennen kano varen

OSHO Ashram


Tibettan Pulsing Healing

Frequencies of Brilliance Shamanic Training

Diving in Egypt  -  Duiken in Egypte

Art Photography  -  Fotografie

ShanT in Nepal

My Altar - How to make an altar  -  Hoe maak je een altaar?

Schilderijen  -  Zonder stroom


Eye of GOD  -  and his face!!!

Inner Warrior Club and Marcus van Soest  -  Inner Warrior en Marcus van Soest


Flower Clown, Ronnie Flower

Tischa in Egypt

Tischa and friends


ShanT and his photography  -  ShanT en zijn fotografie

ShanT as a child  -  ShanT als kind

ShanT in India

Photography  -  fotografie

ShanT's Swans  -  zwanen

Send me some feedback!







Each picture links to a story on ShanT's web...

Cartoons by Jet de Wilde

Poppen dokter - Doll doctor Shop in Amsterdam

The Hague - an empty city

Decor building   Decor bouw

ShanT and Mary...

Art photography  -  Fotografie

Frigge Timmerwerken Den Haag. - kinderkamer

Tarot by Sona.     Tarot kaarten van Sona.

Hand made cotton paper factory India  -  Hand geschept katoen papier India.

Statues The Hague  -  Beeldentuin Lange Voorhout Den Haag

Ardennen kanoeing  -  Ardennen kano varen

OSHO Ashram


Tibettan Pulsing Healing

Frequencies of Brilliance Shamanic Training

Diving in Egypt  -  Duiken in Egypte

Art Photography  -  Fotografie

ShanT in Nepal

My Altar - How to make an altar  -  Hoe maak je een altaar?

Schilderijen  -  Zonder stroom


Eye of GOD  -  and his face!!!

Inner Warrior Club and Marcus van Soest  -  Inner Warrior en Marcus van Soest


Flower Clown, Ronnie Flower

Tischa in Egypt

Tischa and friends


ShanT and his photography  -  ShanT en zijn fotografie

ShanT as a child  -  ShanT als kind

ShanT in India

Photography  -  fotografie

ShanT's Swans  -  zwanen

Send me some feedback!



Tischa Sterre 2 2000-2002

| site map | Tischa Sterre baby | Tischa April 2001  | Tischa Sterre May 2001 | Tischa Sterre 2000-2002 | Tischa Sterre 2002-2004  Tischa Sterre July 2004 | Tischa Sterre 2005 | Tischa and friends |       |   


Tischa bij mama in de keuken. Mjammie...

Op de fiets door Den Haag

Statue garden Lange Voorhout.

Tischa at school 'De Vlieger'.

She is showing me the things she plays with...

And to grandma

All her friends and class mates...

At school she was one of 5 'white' children. She got there because my sister is teaching there. But I am glad she got out, to a more 'white' school.

Tischa and Gyan, the neighbour boy.

She loves playmobil, like her dad...

Isn't she a beauty?

Tischa with Jonathan, her best friend, and now her class mate.

Tischa and Raffie. They know each other from the time they were at school together, and still 4 years old. Tischa always said she was going to marry him...

They are so funny!

At grandma's house.

In the small vilage I grew up, same street...

With grandma in the chicken place.

I build her a hut, on the fencing.

Good morning!

Three aquarians, Brigitte, the mother of Tischa, My mom, and Tischa.

My mother and her new husband, Theo.

My sis and Theo.

Tischa and Thor.


Send me some feedback!


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