ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story... We have a new web space; shant.eu.... Please relocate your links to my website to this new URL.... ShanT



ShanT's World.....Skype me...
 Skype name... shanthanka

Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...

Each picture links to a story on ShanT's web...

Fantasy Fair Archeon 2006

Cartoons by Jet de Wilde

Poppen dokter - Doll doctor Shop in Amsterdam

The Hague - an empty city

Decor building   Decor bouw

ShanT and Mary...

Art photography  -  Fotografie

Frigge Timmerwerken Den Haag. - kinderkamer

Tarot by Sona.     Tarot kaarten van Sona.

Hand made cotton paper factory India  -  Hand geschept katoen papier India.

Statues The Hague  -  Beeldentuin Lange Voorhout Den Haag

Ardennen kanoeing  -  Ardennen kano varen

OSHO Ashram


Tibettan Pulsing Healing

Frequencies of Brilliance Shamanic Training

Diving in Egypt  -  Duiken in Egypte

Art Photography  -  Fotografie

ShanT in Nepal

My Altar - How to make an altar  -  Hoe maak je een altaar?

Schilderijen  -  Zonder stroom


Eye of GOD  -  and his face!!!

Inner Warrior Club and Marcus van Soest  -  Inner Warrior en Marcus van Soest


Flower Clown, Ronnie Flower

Tischa in Egypt

Tischa and friends


ShanT and his photography  -  ShanT en zijn fotografie

ShanT as a child  -  ShanT als kind

ShanT in India

Photography  -  fotografie

ShanT's Swans  -  zwanen

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Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal




  Frequencies of Brilliance      

| site map | ShanT | India | Nepal | OSHO | Jokes | Zen | Frequencies of Brilliance | Tibetan_Pulsing_Healing | EMIN foundation | the invitation | The Book of Mirdad | Egypt | Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd | Fantasy Fair Archeon 2006 |  

This is not the official site from Frequencies of Brilliance. This is my story. For the official site of Frequencies of Brilliance go here...

Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...


    This is a story, one of the strangest I have ever been in. It's a story of spirit, meeting an old friend, and making new friends... It started in march 2002.

    Mary, my ex girlfriend, and friend, and me, were having a cup of coffee in a local bar. We met once in a while, to keep up stories, and our connection. She had changed. From a confused talented girl, into a radiant personality. I was impressed. She told me about the training she got involved in, called 'Frequencies of Brilliance'. 

    In the evening I checked out the web site. I saw some phone numbers to call, and out of curiosity, I called one. Just to see, what energy I got from the person. In the conversation, I decided to participate in the next training. Although I didn't have any idea what it was all about. Shamanism. A lot of people give groups and trainings, and so many are playing around... But nothing prepared me for this experience.


Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...


    The training would start 3 months later. In this three months, some old stories, unfinished ones, came to an end. Circles were completed, and a presence was around me. I realized I got connected to something real. This was what I had been waiting for...


    I have a van, and was asked to take a lot of massage tables in my car. I was late. The location was somewhere near the German border, at a farm. The driving instructions were lousy, and I was driving in the dark along country roads. I felt a presence in my car I had never felt before. The only thing I could think was like being in a Carlos Castaneda type of atmosphere. I was being guided. And indeed, I drove directly to the farm, without taking any wrong turn. This was seriously a very peculiar sense!

    When I entered the farm, everybody was sitting there. I was the last one. We were with 11 people. They came from all different places. New York, Brazil, Switzerland, Israel, Belgium, Italy... And of course from The Netherlands. I sat down and asked if anyone knew what we were going to do, and to my surprise, nobody knew. The only thing everybody knew, was that they had to be here... How strange...



    This was our group space, on a farm close to the German border.

    Next day we started the initiations. That was what it was. Christine, an Australian woman, was leading the group. She was it, who committed herself to teach and guide people. The founder of 'Frequencies of Brilliance' and 'Amanae'. There was no intellectual communication or information. We were asked to sit in 'formation' and were guided through some sort of guided fantasy. It was not, but for the sake of it, I'll call it that. In the light of initiation, I can not tell the content of the guidance into the spaces we were taken.


Christine Day

Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...


    The energy was strong. At a point I was so hot, I shouted out, that someone had to put the heater low! I was sure the thermostat was on 40 degrees Celsius! It was not! It was me.

    The third day, the strangest thing happened. I was standing next to the massage table, doing what Christine wanted me to do (I have still not the faintest idea what we were doing), when I saw 2 thin creatures, little men, looking at what I was doing (If I was doing anything) with such attention, their fingers stretched a little towards the spot I was working on, and a sense of light. One must realize the extent that attention can have. This was a presence, awareness, energy, love... All of this! At that moment I realized one was standing inside me also, or was I standing inside of him? He was bigger, a little bend forwards, working on the point I was having my hand above. I was amazed. 

    When we got in the circle together again, a place for everyone to speak out his experiences, questions, I told Christine my experience. She started to shine, happy and radiant. They were pleiadians, she told me. I said 'Pleiadians? You mean from up there, the stars?' She said yes. I said 'Nanoo, nanoo' and made a greeting like the one in Mork and Mindy. I didn't know what to think. If anybody would have given me a book about extraterrestrial involvement, just a day before, I would have thrown it over my shoulder, calling it nonsense.. This is amazing!



    Since that day I became very aware of their presence. I felt they were experiencing my senses through me. When I was walking outside, in the sun, smoking a cigarette, or laying in the grass, looking at the horses, they were there. Specially during the initiations, I could see Christine standing into one, or one in her... It became more a sensing, than a seeing. It was, when I concentrated, I could see them from the corners of my eyes. Hello guys! Who would have thought? 

    In the middle of the circle, there was a pipe. There is also a story about this pipe.


The Pipe

Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...


    Every day we started sitting in the circle, and were allowed to put people, friends, family, in the circle of healing. To see if there would be any friction between the work I had been involved in, and this work, I would put my teachers in the circle of healing. I felt no conflict whatsoever, to the contrary, one day an old friend of mine appeared. It was OSHO! I cried, being so happy he was there, feeling the trust I have in him, the depth of love, the friendship. Christine said I met my guardian spirit. Wow!

    The fifth day, I had another experience. We were sitting in formation, and were guided to taking a veil from our heart. In this process I suddenly leaped into space. There I was, standing at a gate, so great, like a cathedral, majestic, incredibly big, made of light. Some one was standing next of me, holding my hand, and we were looking at, or I was shown a city. I felt it like a city, and I knew this was home. 

    I am getting a sense I am not to write about this now. I can say, one thing. I asked him, 'what am I?' He said, you are a guardian.

    In the group, many had different experiences. One thing I can say. We are not alone!



This is my group. They are great!



Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal


    Everybody thought it so funny, the 'Nanoo Nanoo' greeting, it was accepted as the greeting of the group! We became friends, in such a short time..


Dave and Christine...




Practicing the points


Looking for amazing art in religious buddhism? Click here





Dave and me.




Frequencies of Brilliance



    Next year I joined the next initiations. The were held in Belgium, in a monastery. Can you believe this? The group was big this time. From all over the world they came. I had a hard time, this time...

Frequencies 2 and 3 in Belgium.


It's in a monastery. Beautiful space.




Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal

The group.




The pipe and crystal.




The Star gate ...




   If you feel attracted to this work, look on these websites;

    Agenda - Events


    frequencies of brilliance

    Some things need to stay hidden. It's not called esoteric without a reason. I can only say, blessed those for whom the doors have opened, and light, love and laughter for all seekers, mankind, and all living beings on this beautiful planet called earth...

    Thank you Christine...


Send me some feedback!

Feedback on ShanT's web site

Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal

Looking for amazing art in religious buddhism? Click here

See also: The Pleiadian initiative for human pleiadians seeking to activate their purpose by Yasmine



Richard Verboomen
Nicole Hendrickx
Jackie Pond
Eric Lipin

Victorine Binkhorst
Martin Klatte
Katrien Berckmoes
Ingrid Devleminck
Shanti Frigge
Mary Johnson
Anke Ewerbeck
Arna Leshem
Tana Saler
Miorita Pincu
Tone Directory
Ceura Nolasco
Sylvia Dawkins
David Devine
Clayton Carr
Thia Lamborne
Gayle Greco
Susan James
Victoria Butow





Posters I designed for this work. 



Meer.. http://esoterie.pagina.nl



Also:  http://www.jetteterpner.com/  frequency work...



























With Dalai Lama March 2007  Including photo's from Dharmsala..

Beard lama blesses thangka's...

Dharmsala, McLeod Ganj, Monks, Temples and a lot of Um Mani Padme Um...

Nepal 2007, pictures and stories...

Intervieuw with an Australian Monk, living in a nunnery for the past 5 years in Dharmsala. How different is it compared to the commune?


Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche Tulku...
Dilgo Kyentse
Rinpoche Tulku


Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche Tulku with Tischa, my daughter...
With Tischa

Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal

Sadhu's, Sadhu's and Sadhu's...

Two clowns in Nepal, march 2007....

Greetings from Katmandu

Sadhu's, Sadhu's and Sadhu's... and a clown!

Thanka school in Nepal

Erotic ancient art from Nepal...

Orphanage, Hamro Jivan, visited by american clown, Flower clown...