ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story... We have a new web space; Please relocate your links to my website to this new URL.... ShanT


Chatroom for friends of ShanT's world...

ShanT's World.....Skype me...
 Skype name... shanthanka


Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...

Each picture links to a story on ShanT's web...

Cartoons by Jet de Wilde

Poppen dokter - Doll doctor Shop in Amsterdam

The Hague - an empty city

Decor building   Decor bouw

ShanT and Mary...

Art photography  -  Fotografie

Frigge Timmerwerken Den Haag. - kinderkamer

Tarot by Sona.     Tarot kaarten van Sona.

Hand made cotton paper factory India  -  Hand geschept katoen papier India.

Statues The Hague  -  Beeldentuin Lange Voorhout Den Haag

Ardennen kanoeing  -  Ardennen kano varen

OSHO Ashram


Tibettan Pulsing Healing

Frequencies of Brilliance Shamanic Training

Diving in Egypt  -  Duiken in Egypte

Art Photography  -  Fotografie

ShanT in Nepal

My Altar - How to make an altar  -  Hoe maak je een altaar?

Schilderijen  -  Zonder stroom


Eye of GOD  -  and his face!!!

Inner Warrior Club and Marcus van Soest  -  Inner Warrior en Marcus van Soest


Flower Clown, Ronnie Flower

Tischa in Egypt

Tischa and friends


ShanT and his photography  -  ShanT en zijn fotografie

ShanT as a child  -  ShanT als kind

ShanT in India

Photography  -  fotografie

ShanT's Swans  -  zwanen

Send me some feedback!





  Why me?      

| site map | ShanT's Youth | ShanT 20's | India | ShanT 1994 | ShanT in India 1995 | ShanT with Mary 1996 | ShanT Dharmsala | Nepal | OSHO | Tibetan Pulsing Healing | Inner Warrior My history 1996-1997 |My history 1998-1999 Vacation Ardennes 2003 | Work | My Art My house  | ShanT's 40th birthday party | Jokes Inventions by ShanT | the invitation ShanT 1996-2004 Disasters | my past lives | Obrechtstraat 378 | friends |  

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

    I realized this is the biggest advertisement I ever made for myself. Beside that I always wanted to make a web site for my daughter, and my family, this site is motivated solely for the use with programs like ICQ, PalTalk and MSN. I am fed up, living in this hole called The Hague, The Netherlands, and not meeting the kind of women I want. I am used to travel a lot, and most of the relationships I have had were with foreign women. I don't want to get into the negative aspect of not being able to travel a lot anymore; basically this is because of my beautiful daughter, I don't want to miss her, but focus on a way to meet her, the woman I am looking for.

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

    So I am going to talk about myself. I decided not to make it only this beautiful picture, nor a sad sad story. Every house has it's cross. And both ways, my life has been a great success, and a road full of bumps, not talking about the little ones. Real bumps. Those bumps have shaped my life, roughened me up, made me more understanding, but also more clear in what I want, and don't want. 

    I think I had an extraordinary life. My basic motivation was getting out of my limitations, which were holding me back in the pursuit of getting a successful life. I became a seeker for truth. I dared myself to many edges, fears, believes and convictions. For years I copied people, walking behind them on the street, feeling and thinking what they were feeling and thinking. I wanted to know the different aspects from which this existence is being experienced. I was hoping to grow to a point which was no more into duality, free from the boundaries of separatism from the truth, the one truth.

    I meditated for 8 years. One hour a day. Vipassana. I accepted Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (OSHO) as my master, and made a vow never to lie to myself anymore. In my travels to India I have been in the presence of him, and many other guides and masters. I came to the point that sitting in this lotus position, I was a Buddha, but walking, I was not. I am vulnerable, human, not all powerful, not held up into the light. I am a man with needs, weaknesses, dreams and basically so in love with my self, that that point in which the total let go is happening, it left me time and time again.

    Here I am, just another man, with a mountain of knowledge, not out of books, but out of experience. As I can not lie, I can not accept a lie in my relationships. My nature will put it's finger in the wound until it is into the light. Many of my girlfriends had no joy in this, although I think, after being with me, they had grown. A bit more. I treat another not different than I treat myself, and as an old saying says; 'soft healers make stinking wounds'. This is the lesser appreciated part of me.

Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

    The better is; I like to laugh. I have a witty kind of humor, sharp, intelligent, and very funny (I think) It's either you fit with me, or you don't. I find this extremely important. laughter is so cleaning, and transforming. I need that in my partner.

    I am no monk. And no saint. I can have my moments, but bottom line, I am just a guy, a boy with his toys. I have fought, loved, reeled and dealed, did things the light of day can't have, and enjoyed the luxury of money, the pleasures of traveling and sex. I am sensitive, to the point that I could be an excellent healer, knowing the places in the body and mind. But I have said to myself, never to become dependent on helping others, thus experiencing the loneliness and absence of the love I know that could be here. I want my love, my mate, my wife. I want a team spirit in freedom and light. I want a mother, a wife, a friend and a child in her. I am looking for something special. An angel in disguise...

    I know there must be a possibility for having a relationship without games, lies and deceit. A relation based on honesty, self knowledge and creativity.... yes?

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

    I hope this gives a bit of a picture of me. haha. I could write a book, but try me. 
Feedback on ShanT's web site


Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...


    I can be reached by;
My nick name is:............ ShanT
Country:...................... The Netherlands
City:........................... The Hague
Gender:....................... Male
Age:........................... 42
Birth date:................... August 6 1964
Sign:.......................... Leo  Check it out! 
Time........................... 8.10 am, Rotterdam
My chart..................... Link
MSN.................. shan_t at exhibitsbuilder dot com
 ShanT's World.....Skype me... Skype name......... shanthanka
Feedback form Feedback on ShanT's web site

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

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  • My major interest is human growth.
         I have studied and practiced in many different teachings. Here is a list:

    Vipassana. 8 Years of daily meditation. One hour in lotus position.
    Wu Shu, Pak Mee Pai, Wing Chun.
    Tai Chi
    School for Intuitive Development
    EMIN Foundation
    Various therapies; Bio Energetics, Encounter, etc.
    Tibetan Pulsing Healing in Poona.
    Frequency of Brilliance, Shamanic work.
    Years of exchanging massages and healings.
    Rani  She just made an impact... It opened my heart, like a window...

    Back to the Top   More stories...    Still working on this...

    My Teachers:

    Alexander Smit
    Swami Shantam Dheeraj    
    Yogi from Pokhara
    Dilgo Kyentse ( Khyentse ) Rinpoche
    Dalai Lama
    Christine Day

    Back to the Top   More stories...    Still working on this...

  • Human Growth.

        Is it possible for mankind to evolve to be humane? Many communes and experiments have passed. I was involved in an Art and Meditation center, ALOK, An Underground Club with theme nights where Shamans did their rituals, The Inner Warrior, etc. etc.

    Back to the Top   More stories...     Still working on this...

  • My daughter.

        Tischa. She is so important to me. It kept me from becoming a Buddhist monk. Haha.

    Back to the Top   More stories...    New ! And In Progress

  • Computers.

        I started out, thinking that if I would not overcome my resistance, I would end up like the elder generation, panicking with a remote control. It turned out into a mad passion. Graphics, animation, bookkeeping, Gaming, chat, music, film, etc. etc.
    I have now 5 PC's and 2 laptops... and build my systems myself. I seem to indulge in challenges.

    Back to the Top   More stories...    Still working on this...   New ! And In Progress

  • My work as an exhibits and decor builder.

        It has become my profession later in my life. I was asked as a carpenter, and am now a reasonable crafted interior builder. I love tools, and being creative...

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  • Making movies...

        I bought a Canon XL1S Semi professional camera with a dedicated video- editing PC.  I am making lots of progress...

    Back to the Top   More stories...    Still working on this...

  • Inventor.
    Lately discovering I am an inventor of gadgets....

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  • My Books.

    I have a dedicated page for this...

    Back to the Top   More stories...  New ! And In Progress

  • Politics.   

    I have a dedicated page for this...

    Back to the Top   More stories...    Still working on this...

  • My Chart

  • ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Feedback on ShanT's web site

ShanT and Tischa in Leiden, The Netherlands...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....Skype me...
 Skype name... shanthanka


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With Dalai Lama March 2007  Including photo's from Dharmsala..

Beard lama blesses thangka's...

Dharmsala, McLeod Ganj, Monks, Temples and a lot of Um Mani Padme Um...

Nepal 2007, pictures and stories...

Intervieuw with an Australian Monk, living in a nunnery for the past 5 years in Dharmsala. How different is it compared to the commune?


Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche Tulku...
Dilgo Kyentse
Rinpoche Tulku


Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche Tulku with Tischa, my daughter...
With Tischa

Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal

Sadhu's, Sadhu's and Sadhu's...

Two clowns in Nepal, march 2007....

Greetings from Katmandu

Sadhu's, Sadhu's and Sadhu's... and a clown!

Thanka school in Nepal

Erotic ancient art from Nepal...

Orphanage, Hamro Jivan, visited by american clown, Flower clown...