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     Mans earlier occupation was hunting and fishing but with the passage of time he moves towards agriculture nearly 20,000 years ago. Today in the age of science, agriculture activities have so much developed that most of the needs for food and clothing of world's population are fulfilled by the agriculture.


The following are the main kinds of agriculture
This type of agriculture is one of the most primary activities of man. This type of agriculture practiced in south Asia, Central Africa and tropical areas of north and South America. In this method some part of forest is cleared cultivated for two or three yeas and then abandoned. In this way is goes from plot to plot.

It is also known as domestic farming, because such farming is carried on intensive scale and most of the produced product is locally consumed and small surplus is exported. The farmers also kept some cattle to get milk such type of farming is carried on in India, Pakistan, China, Japan and other countries.

This type of farming is mostly performed in temperate grasslands wheat and other commercial crop grows. This type of agriculture is performed in USA, Canada, Russia, Argentina and Austrlia.
In this type of farming commonly one cash crop is grown on commercial basis and other needs of the food and clothing are fulfilled from the imports. Such as rubber cultivation in Malaysia and Indonesia and Coffee and Tea cultivation in Brazil. This type of farming is common in countries of South Asia, Central America and Africa.
In this type of farming two activities go side by side, such as raising of crops and rearing of cattle. It is very importantfor densely populated area. It is adopted in USA and some other countries.
Growing of vegetables on commercial basis are called trunk farming. Vegetables are grown in skirts of big town and cities because they are perishable. Atlantic coast of USA is best example.
Making of silk from the silk insects. It is make on Mapel leaves. The main producers are China and Japan.

There are three theories presented on the origin of agriculture these are following:

Potamac Theory

Carl O Saver's Theory

Midden Hape Theory

The following are the main crops that are to be studied in the agricultural resources.
  1. Wheat
  2. Rice
  3. Maize
  4. Sugar cane
  5. Cotton
  6. Tobacco
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