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Site design, page design, graphics and content by Jedi Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

This site was created using Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Adobe ImageReady 3.0, CorelDraw 11, Corel PhotoPaint 11 and far, far too much free time.

Please post any comments or suggestions for this site in the Jedi Republic thread on the GalCiv website by clicking here; or, you can send comments by email here.

The Jedi Republic and this site are in no way affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. Likewise, the Jedi Republic is in no way affiliated with the game Galactic Civilizations or with its parent company or game developers. We are an organization of game players who are simply fans of the films and related products.

All images on this site, to our knowledge, are adapted from public-domain images found on the following sites:

As we are doing this purely for fun and in appreciation of the movies, and have the highest respect for the American film industry in general and copyright legislation in particular, please don't sue us.


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