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Jedi Ranks
The Jedi Republic uses an internal ranking system that is unconnected to the ranks of the Metaverse, although it is based on the Metaverse Point system. Jedi ranks reward individual achievement and are used to assign missions appropriate for each Knight's experience. You can see each Knight's rank on the Active Jedi List page.

Level 0 - Initiate
0-1000 MPs (Metaverse Points)

The lowest Jedi Rank, assigned when someone first joins the Order.

Level 1 - Padawan
Rank given when a person is chosen by a Knight for training beyond the Jedi Temple.

Level 2 - Jedi Healer
5001-10000 MPs
This rank implies that the person is no longer a Padawan, but has not yet reached full Knighthood.

Level 3 - Jedi Knight
10,001-20,000 Metaverse Points

A person with this rank has full access to the Jedi Library and may choose a Padawan to train.

Level 4 - Jedi Guardian
A person with this rank has shown great skill, and is more powerful than a normal Knight, but has not yet reached Master.

Level 5 - Jedi Master
30,001-50,000 MPs

A person with this rank has full authority as a Jedi and can usually see the future...

Level 6 - Senior Advisor
50,001-70,000 MPs

One who has gone off to study the Force, but returned to share what he or she has learned.

Level 7 - Chosen One
One who will finally bring balance to the Force....

Level 8 - Ascended Jedi
MPs or higher
The ultimate rank, reserved only for those Jedi who have exited this plane of existence and become one with the Force.  With this comes more power than anyone can possibly imagine...

Council Member Ranks
Council member ranks are related solely to responsibilities and duties and are unconnected with the normal Jedi rank structure.

Council Member

This is a rank given only to a member of the Jedi Council, of which there may be only 8 at any given time.

Senior Council Member

People with this rank are permanent members of the Jedi Council. Jedi Master Yoda is an example.

Council Mentor

A rank given to a person that has served the Jedi Council, but is no longer a Council member.

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