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Those who have Arcturus as their planetary origin have strong personalities, a deep inner strength and a 'knowing' within. On the surface, they appear strong, capable and powerful. There is a feeling from childhood of having an important purpose in life, although there is not usually knowledge of what that might be. There is a searching for this purpose, which often leads to spiritual exploration. If this purpose is not found, there may be an inner feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness without understanding of the cause of this.

Arcturians are very creative. Many Arcturians are writers, artists, designers or use their abilities to create in some way. Arcturians are often good public speakers, have a good sense of timing and humor, the "life of the party." They enjoy making others laugh. They are loving and like to travel. They may tend to get bored easily and seek new experiences to avoid boredom. If they do get "bored" they may create dramas---just to stir things up or create excitement. This can show up in a tendency to create big problems out of little ones, to drag out situations, or dramatize situations to get attention.

Arcturians may seem hard to get close to or distant at times. They do not have many close, intimate personal friends, but have many "casual" friends. If an Arcturian accepts you as a close personal friend, and shares themselves with you on an inner level, know that you have been carefully considered prior to being "accepted." Arcturians attract people: Complete strangers are drawn to the Arcturian energy and magnetism. They are good advice givers, and their aura makes it appear to others that they are strong and complete. Others may be surprised to find that Arcturians have problems and feelings just like everyone else. There is often a wide circle of acquaintances that depend upon their Arcturian friends for advice and guidance. Although willing to listen and give advice, Arcturians may be impatient with those not willing to put forth needed effort or are not really "trying" to accomplish what they seek. There is impatience with "whiners". Those who seek advice but are not willing to use the advice they are given may lose their Arcturian mentor when this is realized.

Arcturians have much energy, either physical and mental. They may jump from one place to another or from one subject to another. They normally do not like sitting still and being quiet, but need to feel that they are accomplishing something. They tend to be enthusiastic and optimistic. When their energy is focused and used well, there is little they cannot accomplish. When it is scattered and without focus, there will be many projects begun, with few completed.

In love relationships, Arcturians need personal freedom. They feel trapped in relationships that are restricting. They need time alone, time with friends, and to be able to do this without guilt or explanations. There is need for understanding that freedom should apply to all involved-- the treatment they need for themselves should be extended to others. Arcturians are not comfortable with expressing their deepest emotions, and tend to react to situations that stir deep emotions by creating diversions. Of their emotions, they are most comfortable with expressing anger, and humor. They may create arguments, begin story telling (Arcturians are great story tellers!), try to create laughter, or have a sudden urge to 'do something' to avoid openly discussing their emotions.

These are some well known individuals with Arcturus as their planetary origin, or if noted differently, have Arcturus as primary with another secondary, or have Arcturus as a secondary planetary origin:

  • Muhammad Ali  (Arcturus/Sirius)
  • Tori Amos   (Arcturus/Andromeda)
  • Loni Anderson
  • Charles Barkley  (Arcturus/Sirius)
  • Rosanne Barr
  • Drew Barrymore  (Andromeda/Arcturus)
  • Chuck Berry
  • Black Elk
  • Mel Blanc
  • James Brown
  • George Burns
  • Robert Butts     (Arcturus/Orion)
  • Jim Carey         (Sirius/Arcturus)
  • Johnny Carson
  • Andrew Dice Clay
  • John Cleese
  • Sean Connery
  • Jimmy Connors
  • Hernan Cortes
  • Crazy Horse
  • Joan Cusak        (Arcturus/Sirius)
  • Rodney Dangerfield
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Raoul Dufy
  • W.C. Fields
  • George Foreman
  • William Frakes
  • John Fripp
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar  (Arcturus/Andromeda)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Matt Groening
  • Heather Harder
  • Goldie Hawn
  • Bill Hicks            (Arcturus/Sirius)
  • John Huston
  • Elton John
  • Shelley Long
  • Courtney Love    (Arcturus/Pvila)
  • Lenny Kravitz    (Pleiades/Arcturus)
  • Bette Midler
  • Marilyn Monroe  (Pleiades/Arcturus)
  • Jim Morrison  (Arcturus/Pleiades)
  • Joe Namath
  • Jack Nicholson   (Sirius/Arcturus)
  • Shaquille O'Neal
  • Jimmy Page
  • Sean Penn
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Trent Reznor    (Sirius/Arcturus)
  • Geraldo Rivera
  • Joan Rivers
  • Anthony Robbins
  • Dennis Rodman
  • Adam Sandler
  • Joe Satriani  (Pleiades/Arcturus)
  • Bob Seeger
  • Will Smith      (Sirius/Arcturus)
  • Wesley Snipes
  • J. Michael Straczynski  (Orion/Arcturus)
  • Dick Sutphen
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Steven Tyler     (Arcturus/Orion)
  • Tracey Ullman
  • Kurt Vonnegut
  • Robin Williams

    This information is excerpted from my book "Where Are You Really From?"  copyright 1996 Blessing Feather.  (no longer in print)


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.