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  Those who have Orion as their planetary origin have strong personalities, ideals and beliefs. Orion's may be recognized by the many questions they ask! There is a strong drive to understand the reasons and inner meanings of all things. They tend to analyze people and events in their need to understand. This may be frustrating to those around them, as this may create feelings of being scrutinized. This is due to the tendency of most Orions to operate on a mental level, rather than a feeling level. This is not due to a lack of feeling, it is simply the primary mode of operation for an Orion.

Orions want others to respect their opinions and may argue to gain respect and convince others of the validity of their opinions. They must learn to balance the drive to understand, with sensitivity to the needs of others. The mature Orion has learned that in explaining their views and opinions, having them accepted as valid and considered by others is what they seek, and it is not necessary to have others be in agreement.

Orions have a deep inner thirst for knowledge and may be frustrated with those who do not share this thirst. There is interest a wide variety of fields. It will be obvious when conversing with an Orion that either a subject holds great interest for them, and they are quite knowledgeable, or there is no interest at all and know almost nothing of that area. There is strong skepticism and difficulty in accepting new beliefs without thorough evidence and proof of validity. This is due to their mental and intellectual focus, and need to 'make sense' of things logically before accepting them.

Orions tend to be critical of others, and of themselves. This is because Orions expect and seek perfection. They have a keen eye for details and notice things which others do not. They tend to point out these things to others, if they feel these are things in need of attention or correction. This can be upsetting to those not accustomed to Orion energy, and may be taken as personal criticism. It is good to realize that Orions are very sensitive to balance, and may feel physically upset or ill in situations where there is imbalance. This creates their need to correct imbalance when it is sensed. It can be emotional imbalance that is sensed in others, or in themselves, or outer physical imbalance. Orions need beauty and balanced flow of energy in their surroundings to feel their best on all levels.

In relationships and in dealing with emotions, Orions react to emotions intellectually and may surprise others by their reactions. The drive to understand is much stronger than the emotional reaction. It is very important for them to understand the reasons behind a situation, to aid in their ability to accept and understand. In an emotional situation, a typical Orion response is to ask questions, although the quieter Orions may do this within. This does not mean they do not feel or care, simply that they must seek understanding. Orions are often uncomfortable with emotional situations unless they know those involved well enough to feel free to ask the questions within. By honoring this need, communication can be built in relationships with Orions. If their need to question, or understand emotion is not allowed, they will develop patterns of repressing emotions, or exploring them only on an inner level.

Those from Orion need privacy and time alone to recharge, learn and develop the flow within. They learn best alone or in small groups, and do not feel comfortable in large classroom settings. There is a high energy level, which combined with the questioning nature, makes Orions intolerant of classroom learning, when they feel teaching is not done well, or is not meaningful. Many Orions make excellent teachers, due to their ability to see many details, and "angles" of presenting information, to make learning more interesting for the student. Orions enjoy making others laugh. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to tease and play. Others may notice that the change from playfulness to being critical can occur quickly.

There is strong communication with spirit, and psychic ability. As Orions grow on a spiritual pathway, they find their largest challenge to be that of developing higher levels of trust and faith. This is due to many aspects of spirituality that must be accepted simply on faith. Orions are deeply ingrained with the need to question, seek proof, answers, and logical understanding before accepting beliefs. This can create difficulty and an inner struggle for many Orions, as they learn to combine the technical mind with the spiritual self. However, it is these same qualities which make Orions important collectors of information and knowledge which can be shared with others.

These are some well known individuals who have Orion as their planetary origin, or secondary planetary origin:

  • Troy Aikman
  • Alan Alda
  • Ian Anderson    (Orion/Pleiades)
  • Gillian Anderson (Orion/Maldeck)
  • Jon Anderson    (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Desi Arnaz
  • Vasco Nunez de Balboa
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Antonio Banderas               (Sirius/Orion)
  • Majel Barrett
  • Jeff Beck
  • Ludwig Van Beethoven
  • Fred Bell
  • Annette Benning
  • Corbin Bernsen
  • Richard Biggs
  • Amanda Blake
  • Humphrey Bogart
  • Simon Bolivar
  • Bono
  • Omar Bradley
  • Leonid Brezhnev
  • Jeff Bridges
  • Lloyd Bridges
  • Pierce Brosnan
  • George Bush
  • George W. Bush
  • Robert Butts           (Arcturus/Orion)
  • Michael Caine
  • Macaulay Caulkin
  • Connie Chung
  • Hilary Clinton
  • George Clooney   (Orion/Apollonia)
  • Leonard Cohen
  • Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle
  • Confucius
  • Tim Conway
  • Bill Cosby
  • Hume Cronyn        (Orion/Pleiades)
  • William Dafoe         (Orion/Sirius)
  • Matt Damon     (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Ted Danson
  • Charles Darwin
  • Geena Davis
  • Bruce Dern
  • Danny DeVito
  • Marlene Dietrich
  • Walt Disney
  • Phil Donahue
  • Kirk Douglas
  • Frederick Douglass
  • David Duchovny  (Orion/Pleiades)
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Albert Einstein
  • Sam Elliot
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Gloria Estefan
  • Henry Fonda
  • Jane Fonda
  • Claire Forlani   (Pleiades/Orion)
  • Jodie Foster
  • Jonathan Frakes  (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Glenn Frey   (Orion/Andromeda)
  • Galilei Galileo
  • Mohandas K Gandhi  (Pleiades/Orion)
  • Lou Gehrig
  • Geronimo
  • Barry Gibb
  • Danny Glover
  • Jeff Goldblum
  • Andrew Greely
  • Andy Griffith
  • Charles Grodin
  • Barbara Hand Clow
  • Ethan Hawke         (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Helen Hayes
  • Katherine Hepburn
  • Charleton Heston
  • Harry Houdini
  • Steve Howe
  • Angelica Huston
  • Lauren Hutton
  • Samuel L. Jackson
  • Mick Jagger
  • "Majic' Ervin Johnson        (Orion/Pleiades)
  • James Earl Jones
  • Michael Jordan
  • Milla Jovovich
  • Michael Keaton                 (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Helen Keller
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Robert F. Kennedy
  • Genghis Khan
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Kitaro              (Orion/Pleiades)
  • Mercedes Lackey
  • Lorenzo Lamas
  • D.H. Lawerence
  • Brandon Lee
  • Bruce Lee
  • Jack Lemmon
  • John Lennon               (Orion/Andromeda)
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt        (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Lyle Lovett
  • Shirley MacClaine
  • John MacEnroe
  • Kyle MacLachlan
  • Cheech Marin
  • Malcolm McDowell 
  • Gates McFadden
  • Robert Monroe
  • Mary Tyler Moore
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Eddie Murphy
  • Bill Murray           (Sirius/Orion)
  • Sir Issac Newton
  • Nichelle Nichols
  • Leonard Nimoy
  • Rik Ocasek
  • Chris O'Donnell    (Orion/Pleiades)
  • Sir Laurence Olivier
  • Ouspensky
  • Robert Palmer
  • Anthony Perkins
  • Matthew Perry    (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Tom Petty
  • Lou Diamond Phillips
  • Robert Plant
  • Prince Charles
  • Pythagoras
  • Anthony Quinn
  • Nancy Reagan
  • Tim Robbins
  • Jane Roberts    (Pleiades/Orion)
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Mimi Rogers
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Mickey Rourke
  • Kurt Russell   (Orion/Andromeda)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • David Schwimmer
  • George C. Scott
  • Steven Seagal    (Maldeck/Orion)
  • Rod Serling
  • Gene Shalit
  • William Shatner
  • Martin Sheen
  • Joel Siegal
  • James Spader   (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Steven Spielberg  (Orion/Andromeda)
  • Brent Spiner
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Brad Steiger
  • Gloria Steinem
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Oliver Stone
  • J. Michael Straczynski    (Orion/Arcturus)
  • Theodore Suess
  • Mary Summer Rain
  • George Takei
  • Jessica Tandy
  • Nikola Tesla
  • Leo Tolstoy
  • Donald Trump
  • Ted Turner
  • Steven Tyler      (Arcturus/Orion)
  • Peter Ustinov
  • Steve Vai     (Andromeda/Orion)
  • Jean Claude Van Damme
  • Dick Van Dyke
  • Joe Walsh
  • Denzel Washington
  • Dennis Weaver
  • Sigourney Weaver
  • Orson Welles
  • Alan White     (Orion/Apollonia)
  • Gene Wilder          (Orion/Sirius)
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Henry Winkler
  • Edgar Winter         (Orion/Sirius)
  • Johnny Winter       (Sirius/Orion)
  • James Wood

            This is an excerpt of my book, "Where Are You Really From?" copyright 1996 Blessing Feather. (No longer in print)

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Last updated: March 05, 2003.