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Luv4Life Weekend

Luv4Life Weekend

2003-2004 Calender of Events & Programs

'Date With Dad' Fathers & Daughter's Valentine Tea
Sunday, February 15, 2004 4:00 p.m.
Location TBA

Summer 2004

LOVE4LIFE WEEKEND including A Conversation on Love & Sisters4Life

Wed-Sun.,November 8,2003
For more information or to get involved please call (901)948-6214 or 1-866-254-LIFE or visit our webpage at or or you can email us at

2002 Calender of Events & Programs

Wed., Novemeber 6, 2002
Dating Game Youth Forum
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Dr. Stacy Spencer, Facilitator
Location: YO! Memphis, 2140 So.Third Street

Thurs., Novemeber 7, 2002
Conversation on Love Conference (day 1)
Preventing Relationship Violence from the Pulpit to Pew
5:00pm- Reception
6:00pm - Dr. John Kinney, Guest Lecturer
Dean of the Samuel D. Proctor School of Theology/Virginia Union University
7:30pm - Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Guest Preacher
Senior Pastor/Trinity United Church Oh Christ, Chicago,IL
Location: Christ Missionary Baptist Church on Parkway

Fri., November 8, 2002
Conversation on Love Conference (day 2)
Guest Speakers include:
Dr. Frank A. Thomas, Mississippi Blvd. Christian Church
Rev. John M. Gilmore & Ms. Precious Malone, Open Heart Community Church
Dr. Luther Ivory, Rhodes College
Location: Olford Ministries on Riverdale Road

Sat., November 9, 2002
5th Annual Sisters4Life 5K Walk/Run
Location: National Civil Rights Museum

For more information call
901-948-6214 or 866-254-LIFE

Sisters4Life | A Way |Luv4Life Weekend| A Conversation of Love | You Can Help | 5K Registration | Poem & 2000 Race Pictures
2000 Race Winners| 2001 Race Winners| Domestic Violence Statistic | National Domestic Violence Hotline