Enlightenment, Untying
          knots, body, mind, spirit, vision
Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision

Psychic Healing


Before passing on to the various forms of Mental Healing, proper, we must acquaint ourselves with a form of healing and a very efficacious one too that comes in between Pranic Healing and Mental Healing. This form of healing is known by a number of names, but we have thought it well to give it the name "Thought-force Healing", which describes it very well, for it is an application of Thought and Prana. In our "Fourteen Lessons" we have shown you how Thought could color the Prana, and go forth as an almost living Energy. This "Thought-force," as it is called, may be employed as a means of Healing, and in fact we have known of a number of very able practitioners who preferred it to any other form, because of its simplicity and power.

It may be used either as a separate system, or else in connection with one or more of the other systems mentioned in this book. In fact, the better Psychic Healers use parts of all methods, adapting the same to meet the several requirements of their patients, giving preference to those forms which seemed "most natural" to the healer, and the patient.

Thought-force healing is based upon the fact that the organs, parts, and even cells of the body have "mind" in them a fact known to all occultists, and which modern science fully recognizes. This "mind" in the cells, cell-groups, nerve centres, ganglia, etc., respond to a strong thought impression from outside, particularly when the thought is heavily charged with Prana. The parts are thus reached directly, rather than through the Instinctive mind, as is the case in Mental Healing, proper. When properly applied this form of Healing produces a wonderfully quick and direct effect, and therefore it is one of the simplest and best  forms of general psychictreatment. The student is advised to acquaint himself thoroughly with it.

The central theory of Thought-force healing is that the disease is a mental trouble not a trouble in the central mind, but in the "mind" in the parts. The theory of the cure is that the Thought-force overcomes the rebellious'mind" in the cells and parts, and forces it to resume normal action.

In Thought-force healing, get all ideas of "matter" out of your mind. You are not using Mind against Matter, but Mind against Mind. The Will-Mind against the cell-mind. Do not forget this, for it underlies the whole system of treatment. The healer goes after the rebellious "mind" in the parts remember that. By producing, or rather re-establishing normal mental conditions in the parts, the diseased condition vanishes.

The Healer directs his Thought-force to the "mind" in the part, and addresses it positively, either by uttering the actual words or by speaking them mentally. He thinks, or speaks, something like this: "Now, MIND, you are behaving badly you are acting like a spoiled child you know better, and I expect you to do better. You must, and will do better, and act right. You must bring about normal and healthy conditions. You have charge of these organs, and I expect you to do the work that the Infinite Mind gave you to do properly. This and similar thoughtswill give you the idea of the treatment. Point out to the "mind" of the part, just what you expect it to do.

And you will be surprised (at first) at how readily the cell-mind obeys. The rebellious mind of the parts acts like a child who- is "pouty," "cross," or "out-of -sorts." It must be coaxed, scolded, led, or loved into right action, as the case seems to require the idea of Love, of course, being behind it all, just as in the case of the child. The cell-mind is essentially an undeveloped, child-like mind, and if you keep this idea in view, you will be able to apply the treatment to the best advantage. As you will see as we proceed, the hands are used in this form of treatment, but principally for the purpose of "attracting the attention" of the mind in the cells and parts, just as we attract the attention of a man by tapping him on the shoulder, etc. Awaken the "attention" of the cell-mind, and you will find that your orders are listened to carefully.

There is a great difference in the quality in the mind in the several organs, just as in the case of different children. For instance the heart is very intelligent, and responds readily to commands from the central mind.
The liver, on the other hand, is a stupid, dense, mental organism, and needs to be "driven" like a mule, instead of lead like a lamb. You have seen children just like this carry this idea in your mind. Now yon have had the theory let us go into the practice of Thought-force Healing.



The majority of diseases really originate in the Stomach, and the other troubles are really butresultants of the main trouble which is in the Stomach. Consequently, it is well to always begin the treatment with a Stomach treatment. Indigestion and malnutrition are at the bottom of nine tenths of the various diseases. Remove the cause and the symptoms disappear.
The method of treating the mind in the Stomach is as follows: Have the patient standing erect in front of you, or else lying down on his back. Then give him several quick (but gentle) taps or pats of the hand over the Stomach, saying "Mind, wake up!" Then hold the palm of the right hand over the Stomach, saying to the latter:
"Now Stomach- mind, I want you to wake up, and attend to this organ properly. You have not been doing right. You have been neglecting your work. I want you to begin functioning properly, and making the organ strong, healthy, and active. I want it to do its work properly, and you must see that it does so. You must see that it digests the food properly, and nourishes the whole body. You must relieve the congestion and inactivity, and see that the whole organ acts with life and energy, and does its work well.
You need not repeat these exact words, and you may add or vary the same. The main thing is to tell the Stomach-mind just what you expect it to do, and what you look to it to bring about. You will be surprised at the intelligence displayed by the mind addressed, and how quickly it begins to act upon your instructions.

Give stomach treatments daily. The treatment should last about five to ten minutes. It usually takes from one to four weeks to get final results in cases of Dyspepsia, the difference depending upon the length of standing of the trouble, and the mental attitude of the patient, that is whether he works with you or against you.


Treat the Liver in a similar manner to that given to the Stomach. The Liver, however, being a dull, stupid organ, must be spoken to sharply and positively think of a stubborn donkey, and you have the idea. The liver cannot be coaxed it must be driven like a mule. "When we speak of the Liver, we mean the "Mind" of the Liver, of course. Give the Liver instructions to function properly ; to secrete the proper amount of bile, and no more ; to let the bile flow freely and perform its work, etc.


Treat Constipation, by first treating the Liver, as above directed. Then pass the hand over the bowels, saying "Bowel-mind, wake up attend to your duties move naturally and easily, as you know you should do."

Constipation is sometimes rendered stubborn by a tendency to contraction on the part of the anus (the posterior outer opening of the colon or large bowel, through which the excrement passes when one has "a movement", or "passage"). In such cases, place the hand over the part (outside of the clothing will answer) pressing the part
a little to attract its attention, and saying to it "relax, relax you are causing trouble. relax, and allow the movements to pass freely and naturally."


Diarrhoea is treated similarly to Constipation, the same organs being treated, the directions being reversed, of course. The Bowel is told to "slow down", and the Liver is told to behave itself.


The Kidneys are treated in a similar manner to the Liver. Tap them smartly with the fingers, several times, and then tell them to do their work properly, and naturally. In cases where the patient urinates too freely, instruct the kidneys and bladder to "slow down', and endeavor to reduce the urination gradually. If the patient is in the habit of getting up three times during the night, bring him down to two times, then to one time, and then to no urination at all between bedtime and morning. Treat daily, for from five to ten minutes. Continue treatments for a month in treatment for excessive urination, it is well to add upward passes along the region, holding the mental picture of pushing back the flow. These upward passes are also good to use in case of  Diarrhoea in addition to the regular treatment.


Rheumatism is treated in two ways, combined. 'The first treatment is I given to the Kidneys, the Kidney-mind being instructed to eliminate the impurities and uric acid, and discharge it from the system. The failure to do this is the main cause of Rheumatism, and it follows that a correction of the original trouble will bring about good results, and prevent a recurrence of the trouble. At the same time, the parts affected should be manipulated, and at the same time addressed and told to throw off and get rid of the uric acid, and to relax and allow contraction to be thrown off. Treat the stomach also, for much of the original trouble comes from malnutrition, and imperfect digestion.


The heart is the most intelligent of the organs that is it has a higher grade of "mind" in it, than any organ (the brain excepted, of course). This Heart-mind will respond readily to loving instructions, andis most gentle and kind. In case the heart is palpitating or beating irregularly, place the hand gently over the
part, and say kindly, "Heart- mind, quiet down quiet, quiet, quiet, act regularly, and quietly steady, steady, steady," etc. You will find that the palpitation will gradually quiet down and the heart's action will become steady and regular. 


Nervous troubles may be treated in this way. Commence with treating the Stomach, and Liver, and getting them to function properly. Then treat the nerves along the spinal column, giving them the appropriate instructions, to suit the requirements of the case.


EQUALIZING THE CIRCULATION, is accomplished by making long sweeping passes from the head to the feet (see Pranic Healing, for direction) at the same time saying to the mind of the arteries and veins : flow freely, and equally steadily and constantly flow, circulate, flow."

It is well to give this treatment for Equalizing the Circulation, in nearly every form of treatment, for by doing so you will help to re-establish normal conditions, and promote the return of healthy action.


are treated by first treating the Stomach, and then Equalizing the Circulation, and then giving local treatments to the Head, saying to the "mind" of the parts: "quiet down, now, easy, easy, easy, rest, rest, rest," etc.


 These complaints are treated by first restoring proper conditions of the Stomach, so that the patient may be properly nourished, and may thus obtain energy and strength to send to the affected parts. This must not be overlooked. Local treatment is administered as in cases of Diarrhea, bring up the hands in front of the lower part of the abdomen, and giving the command to the "mind" : "Strength, right action, health," etc. In case of profuse flow, add the words : "Slow down, cease flooding," etc. In the case of falling of the womb, etc.,the command: "Firm, firm, now, firm," etc., will be found to have a wonderfully strengthening effect.


It is not necessary to run over the list of so-called Diseases, which are after all nothing but different cases of imperfect "mind action." The treatment is similar in each case as you will have seen. Give the same general treatment, and then give your mental commands in words suited to the case. That is, tell the mind of the part what it must do. Talk to it just as you would to a child that was not doing what it should. Reason with it, and lead or drive it along, just as seems best. Use judgment and a little thought, and you will find that you will soon get the " knack" of giving just the right commands.

But, above everything else, remember that you are talking to the MIND of the part, not to dead matter. There is no dead matter about a live body - mind is in every part and cell. It is mind talking to mind, remember this, for therein lies the secret of this form of treatment.

Remember, also, that the majority of diseases arise from Stomach troubles and imperfect circulation. Restore the Stomach to normal action and the Circulation to equalize activity and functioning, and you have removed the cause of the trouble. Do not forget this for it is most important.

Talk to the mind as you would to a person a child, and say to it just what you think will best affect it. A little practice will render you very expert in this, and you will soon begin to feel " quite well acquainted with the different forms of mind in the parts, and moreover they will soon begin to recognize that you know them,just as a horse recognizes  men who are used to managing horses, although they may never have seen that particular man before. Dogs are the same way, as one will see if he will think a little bit. This form of treatment may be used on animals as well as on people, and we have heard of many remarkable cures in this way.

Now, remember, please, that the cell-mind, or part-mind does not understand the "words" you say they have no such knowledge. But they do understand the thought that lies back of the words, and will respond thereto. The words only serve to help you to form your thought clearly. Words are "but symbols of thoughts" - there is one or more thoughts back of every word. Do yon see now? A German may give the treatment to an Englishman, who does not understand a single word used. But the cell-mind does understand the thought back of the word, no matter what language is spoken. Is not this wonderful? And yet, so simple, when the key is had. It is the thought, not the word. And, yet the spoken word helps the mind to form the thought. We think in words, remember. We even dream in words.

Now, do not let this simple form of treatment escape your attention. It is one of the best, for it combines the qualities of several others in it. It is so simple, and easily understood, and easily applied. Do not fail to try it.


This treatment may be administered to one's self, with the best possible effect. The Central Mind will give the command to the cell-mind or part-mind, just as in the case of treating another person. The methods used are practically the same s as those above given. In fact, one may get a good idea of the treatments by "trying them on himself."

It would be possible to write an entire book upon this subject of Auto-healing, by Thought-force, but it would be merely a "padding out" of what has been given you in this chapter. Our idea, in this book, is to give you the best information in the shortest time, and smallest space. Each chapter gives you information that is worth many times the price of the book, and for which some who have acquired a knowledge of it are charging "tuition fees," ranging from five dollars upward. Many "courses" on the market contain no more information than is given in some of these chapters. "We say this not in a spirit of self-praise, but merely that you may understand that you are getting "the thing in a nutshell" .

Human Spirit