we have acquainted the reader with the theory
and practice of the various forms of Psychic
Healing, we wish
to say a few words to him regarding the
practice of the healing power that has been
In the first place, do not
make the mistake of becoming bigoted, and
narrow in your views of healing. Do not follow the example of so many
of the practitioners of drug healing, and
revile and abuse those who may differ from you. Be broad be generous
be liberal. Give each man the same liberty of
opinion that you demand for yourself. Do not force your
views upon others, but always be willing to
answer a courteous and earnest inquiry for information.
Do not start in to abuse
the drug practitioners. This is not right from
any point of view, and as a mere matter of policy is unwise. Make your
own work so good that people will seek you on
that account, and do not try to build up a practice upon the
abuse of others. There are many drug
practitioners who are splendid men, and who, at the bottom of their hearts
are in full sympathy with the finer forms of
healing, but who are not able to express themselves fully, owing
to popular prejudice and the fear of getting
into trouble with the medical boards.
Such men give drugs because
they have to do so, and at the same time
manage to "work in" psychic healing without the knowledge of the patient,
which fact accounts for the success of many a
quiet physician. As for those abusive members of the medical
fraternity, who go about regiling the mental
or spiritual healer why, just let them alone. They will reap
their own harvest of hate and abuse, and so do
not commit the folly of entering into their whirlpool. Practice
"passive resistance" toward them, and you will
find it far more efficacious than the "active resistance" of the
world about you. This is a truth known to all
students of occultism, and is one of the most "practical" bits of
advice known to man.
Do not neglect the
attention to the natural laws of the body, as
mentioned in an early chapter. See that the patient acts in accord with
these natural laws of his being, and you will
be thereby enabled to get much better results, in a much, shorter
time. Proper nutrition, and proper elimination
must be had before any system of healing is effective. And no
matter if the patient were cured
instantaneously by the most powerful form of psychic healing, still, if he
were to continue to neglect the primary
physical laws of his being he would sooner or later get back to his old
diseased condition.
is a fact that many psychic healers ignore or
refuse to accept, but rest assured that it is
absolute truth, and that it will be found to be
fully operative at all times, and in all
cases. Common
sense will show the correctness of this view
of the matter. Don't be like an ostrich, and
hide your head so that you will not see the
truth regarding the physical laws. Do not let
metaphysics make you refuse to recognize physics. This is as
absurd a position as is that of the physician
who refuses to see the great truths of metaphysics.
Be full of the spirit of
Love and Kindness for your patients, but do
not allow a false sympathy to cause you to take on their conditions, or to
let them drain your vitality from you. Refuse to allow this, and do
not let yourself become "passive" to the
patient, or to exhibit a "negative" condition to him. Keep
"positive" and "active" in your relations to
him, else you may discover the effects of the"vampirism" of some sick
people, who like nothing better than to drain
the vitality of the healer, that they may
be benefited or
strengthened. Give them the benefit of your
knowledge and skill, but do not allow them to
absorb your life and vitality for that does not belong to them. So, therefore, do not "let go"
of yourself in the direction of "feeling"
their condition too strongly beware of a certain kind of Sympathy or
rather, of something miscalled Sympathy.
The nearer you are in
consciousness to the Source of all Power, the
greater will be your healing power. Remember always that back of all the
Power of the Universe is that Infinite Power,
which is the source of all Power and Energy. Remember that you are
as a particle of this one Infinite Life, and
that all that is Real about you is so because of your relationship
with that Infinite Being. Try to realize this
fully, and you will find that with the recognition will come a
strength and power far surpassing anything
that you have before known, or acquired by any
means. This is the source of all real power,
and it is open to him or her who seeks it.
The following Affirmation
or Mantram may be found useful, if repeated
before giving a treatment:
Oh, thou Great Infinite
Power Thou Great Flame of Life, of which I am
but a spark I open myself to thy Healing Power, that it may flow through
me to strengthen, build-up, and make whole,
this brother (or sister) in Life. Let thy Power flow through me
to the end that he (or she) may receive thy
vivifying Energy and Strength and Life, and be able to manifest
the same as Health, Strength, and Vigor.
Make me a worthy channel
for thy Power, and use me for Good.
Peace be with thee, in thy
Healing Work.