is the highest form of healing, and is much
rarer and less common than is generally
believed to be the case. Many healers doing very good
work along the lines of Mental Healing,
believe, and teach, that their work is done along Spiritual lines. But in
this they are mistaken. True Spiritual Healing
is not "done" by anyone. In such cases the healer becomes an
instrument or channel through which flows the
Spiritual Healing Force of the
The Force of the Universe,
which passes through the Healer into the
Spiritual Mind of the patient, and there sets
up vibrations
of such intensity and strength that it
invigorates the lower Mental Principles, and
finally the organs
and parts themselves, restoring them to normal
condition. Spiritual cures' are often
practically instantaneous,
although it does not necessarily follow that
they must always be so.
The Spiritual Healer
allowing the Spiritual Healing Force to flow
through him to the patient, causes the latter
be literally "bathed in a flow of Spirit," as
we have heard it expressed.
In order to understand this
form of treatment, intelligently, the reader
must acquaint himself with the Yogi teachings regarding the several
Mental Principles, which teaching he will find
in the "Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy," published by the
same publishers as this book. We do not care
to repeat here what we have said on this subject, although it may
be well to say a few words regarding the
Spiritual Mind, that this form of treatment may be better
The Spiritual Mind of man
is that principle of mind that is above and
higher than the two lower mental principles known as Instinctive
Mind and Intellect, respectively. Spiritual
Mind is above the plane of Intellect, just as the Instinctive Mind is
below the plane of Intellect. The Spiritual
Mind has not as yet developed or unfolded into consciousness in
the average man, although some of the more
advanced of the race - those who have gone ahead of their brothers on
The Path - have unfolded the Spiritual Mind
into consciousness, or, rather, have moved the centre of
consciousness into the region of the Spiritual
Mind. This higher Mental Principle is what we
to express when we say the "Something Within"
that seems to exert a protecting influence
over us, and which sends us words of caution or
advice in moments of need.
All that the race has
received in the way of noble, elevating,
higher thoughts have come from this region of
the mind.
The Spiritual Mind projects fragments of truth
into the lower Mental Principals. All that has
come to the race,
in its evolution, that has tended toward
nobility, true religious feeling, kindness,
humanity, justice, unselfish love, mercy,
sympathy, etc., has come to it through the
slowly unfolding Spiritual Mind. As the unfoldment goes on, man's idea
of Justice increases, and he has more
compassion. His feeling of Human Brotherhood increases. his idea
of love grows, and he increases in all the
qualities which men of all creeds pronounce "good."
The Spiritual Mind is the
source of the "inspiration" which certain
poets, painters, sculptors, writers, preachers, orators, and others
have received in all times, and which they
receive to-day. This is the source from which the seer obtains his
vision, the prophet his foresight. Many have
concentrated themselves upon high ideals in their work, and have
received more knowledge from this source,
which they have attributed to beings from another world from angels, from
spirits, from God himself but all came from
within. It was their Higher Self speaking to them. This does not
mean that man never receives communications
from the other sources just named far from this, for we know that
the latter is often evidenced and experienced.
But we do mean that man receives far more messages from the
Higher Self than he does from the other
sources, and that man is prone to mistake the
for the other. We cannot discuss this matter
at length, in this place, for it is foreign to
the subject whichwe are handling at the present
Man, by the development of
his Spiritual consciousness, may bring himself
into a high relationship and contact with this higher part of his
nature, and may thus become possessed of
knowledge beyond the power of the Intellect to furnish. Certain high
powers are also open to a man in this way, but
he must beware against using them for anypurpose other than the good of
his fellow-men, for such prostitution of
spiritual powers brings a terrible result in its train. Such is the Law.
And, while it is true that
the fullest degree of Spiritual Healing is not
open to the average person, still it is likewise true that the
healer who is possessed of a degree of
Spiritual unfoldment may avail himself of a certain degree of Spiritual
power in treating his fellow-men. In fact, the best healers,
consciously or unconsciously, make use of this
force in this way.
And they are right in so
doing it is a proper use of the power.
Spiritual Healing may be used in connection
with the
other forms of healing described and explained
in this book, to good advantage, and without
interfering with the other treatments. In fact,
all conscienscious healers should endeavor to
give the patients the benefit of this form of treatment in
connection with the regular treatments. The
Spiritual always working for Good, cannot be mis-applied or prostituted
in cases of relief to suffering humanity, so
the healer need never fear that in so acting he is dragging down the
Spiritual to the material level. For the
Spiritual permeates everything, and if it may be used to "bring up" those
on a lower plane, it is well used.
In the next chapter we
shall endeavor to give the student a few
explanations and some information regarding
the practice
of Spiritual Healing, although, as will
readily be seen, it is almost impossible to
tell one how to do something, that consists in
letting rather than doing. And we must ask the
student to approach this part of the subject with a feeling of
sufficient respect, for in Spiritual Healing,
one is calling into operation Forces and Power of an entirely different
order from those with which man is acquainted
in this everyday life. The Spiritual Healer is allowing himself to
be used as a channel for the transmission of
that force from the great Ocean of Spirit to the Spiritual Mind of
the patient, and he should endeavor to make
himself a worthy instrument of that Power and Spirit.