Enlightenment, Untying knots, body, mind, spirit,
Untying Body Mind Spirit Vision

Psychic Healing


In our "Fourteen Lessons" we called your attention to the various Planes of the Mind, and, among others, the Instinctive Mind. This plane of the Mind, as we told you, controls and manages the growth, nourishment and operation of the physical body every operation and function of every organ, part and cell being under the
control and direction of thin part of the mind. This part of the mind never sleeps, but attends to its duties while the Seasoning faculties are quieted in slumber and rest.

The constant work of repair, replacement, change, digestion, assimilation, elimination, etc., is performed by this part of the mind, all below the plane of consciousness. The wondrous work of the body is carried on on this plane of mind, without our conscious knowledge. The intelligent work of the cells, cell-groups, ganglia,organ intelligences, etc. are under the superintendence of this plane of mind.

In our next chapter we give you a short account of this wonderful world of cell-life that exists in every humanorganism. We advise you to read that chapter, as it will throw light on many puzzling questions, and will enableyou to direct your healing powers intelligently. The Instinctive Mind is not confined to the brain as a seat of operations, but is distributed over the entirenervous system, the spinal column and solar plexus being important centers for its operations.

One of the most important facts that we have to consider in connection with the Instinctive Mind, in this book, is that it is susceptible of i interference on the part of the Conscious Mind. This interference may be for good or bad, according to the nature of the "suggestions" passed on by the Conscious Mind.

In our chapter on Suggestion we have given a number of instances to illustrate the effect of the mind on the bodily functions. This effect of thought is occasioned by the Conscious Mind passing on suggestions to the Instinctive Mind, which then proceeds to act upon them. Many a man has become sick by reason of adverseand hurtful suggestions accepted by him and passed on to his Instinctive Mind. In the same way a sick man has been restored to health, by positive and helpful suggestions accepted and passed on in the same manner.
And in both cases, remember, the diseased condition and the restored healthy condition were occasioned by perfectly natural process, by the Instinctive Mind passing on its orders to its subordinate parts, cells, organs, etc.

We do not think it worth while to enter into a long discussion of the various theories advanced to account for the existence and operation of the Instinctive Mind. This book is intended to tell you "how" to make cures,and all the theory we think it worth while to give you is a mere general outline for the purpose of an intelligent comprehension of the process of the cure. To wander off into an extended discussion of the theories regarding mind, or the speculations regarding life and what lies back of life, would be out of place. We believe in keeping each subject to itself, believing that in this way the student is better able to concentrate upon the particular subject under consideration. The workings of the Instinctive Mind will appear as yon proceed witli the study of the methods of treatment.

The next chapter, which deals with Cell-life, will also throw further light on the subject.
Human Spirit